24 x 7 World News

Damian Peeples Shares His Secrets to Making an Impact Through Entrepreneurship


Successful author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said – if you help enough people get what they want, you can have everything you want. These are words to live by for the 22 year old entrepreneur, network marketer and aspiring philanthropist Damian Peeples. Growing his business empire, Damian creates a culture of abundance and positivity, prioritizing the success of others along the way. As Damian’s business flourishes, so do those around him – and he’s more than happy to share his solutions with the aspiring entrepreneur. 

Damian was born and raised in Southern California before moving to Charlotte, North Carolina where he completed highschool. Damian is currently enrolled at the University of South Carolina Upstate, studying Business Administration while also devoting part of his time as a Brother of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. With two semesters standing between him and his degree, what prompted Damian to make the change to an arguably more uncertain path of entrepreneurship? His desire to make an impact:

“I’m a big sports guy, so growing up watching people like Kobe and LeBron, I look at them a little bit deeper than just the game – I’m looking at the platform that they have and how they’re using it on so many different levels. Not only for different streams of income, but for different streams of impact. I’m a big fan of LeBron because he has his own school, he gives scholarships to kids who need it. I chose entrepreneurship because I want to leverage my platform to make as big of an impact as I can,” says Damian. 

It was in March of 2020 that Damian was introduced to networking marketing – an opportunity that would give him the base he needed to start making the positive change he wanted to see in himself and his peers.

To date, Damian has built a team of over 150 individuals within his organization ‘Tradehouse Investment Group’. With the majority of his business in North and South Carolina, Damian works with partners across the globe.

When asked about the work he does through Tradehouse Investment Group and the positive way he uses the platform he has built for himself, Damian says:

“We have created such a positive and dynamic culture around our business. We’re teaching people how to trade in the financial markets but we’re also giving them a family environment full of energy for them to feed off of and grow with. I pride myself on being a genuine person both in my work and my personal life. I’m a leader by nature, my concern isn’t with my own success but with the success of the people around me. If I can teach somebody something new that can give them more financial security or independence – that’s my goals achieved, that’s my vision come to life. It’s all about finding solutions, I’m trying to find solutions for every single person that’s joining my business.” 

As a resilient businessman leading by example, Damian says a large part of his success is thanks to his devotion to personal development. Sharing in these experiences with his business partners and aspiring entrepreneurs, Damian places a large focus on mentorship, helping others overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of reaching their full potential.  

“Something we harp on with Tradehouse is personal development. I’ve been in this game for over a year now and I’ve watched people break out of the shell that they tell me is holding them back. A lot of people when they get started tell me ‘Damian, I don’t know if I can get there’, or ‘I don’t know if I’m this type of person’, and I tell them: let’s take this 30 days at a time. Your situation changes on a week to week basis based on the information that you have and that you’ve acquired. So you may think that this week you can’t do it because you don’t yet have the knowledge that you’re going to have next week from immersing yourself in this experience. You have to take it week by week and understand that your mentality keeps changing with new information. I love watching people become the person they always wanted to be, but they didn’t know they could be,” says Damian.

A big part of Damian’s philosophy in entrepreneurship is replication – creating a business model that can be shared with future generations. In turn the knowledge and skills they’ve acquired can be used not only for financial gain but for a bigger and more positive impact. 

“I tell my mentees all the time, imagine if you work as hard as you can while you’re on this earth to create enough wealth that your kids, your grandkids, your great grand kids, would be fine just off your efforts. And let’s not forget that you’re going to pass this information down – we’re in the business of passing information down and duplicating it. We’re in the perfect position to reach our goals, live out the life we truly desire, using this business as a vehicle to get us where we want to go. I really want my team to have the same vision of not just stopping at one but EVERY one – teach every single person that you come into contact with,” says Damian. 

Working in network marketing – a business based primarily around people, Damian says the key to success is patience and acceptance of those with different backgrounds, perspectives and goals than your own. As a leader, Damian is constantly analyzing his team devising new methods of getting information across in a better and more targeted way for different people. People can reach Damian on his instagram page @dame.dolla__ to learn more about Damian and his impactful ideology.

“Sitting back and watching and observing people has helped me learn social intelligence. Any leader will tell you that behaving, interacting, and learning in a socially intelligent manner is the key to thriving in a people-based business,” says Damian.  

With Tradehouse Investment Group continuing to expand and Damian brimming with innovative ideas for greater growth and prosperity, Damian continues to strive to make a world full of entrepreneurs with dreams of making a difference in their own way.

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