Daljeet Kaur, a veteran actor well-known for her lead roles in several superhit Punjabi movies, died in Punjab’s Ludhiana district on Thursday, a relative said. The 69-year-old was suffering from brain tumour for the past three years and was in a deep coma for the last one year, according to her cousin, Harinder Singh Khangura. Lohithaswa, Veteran Kannada Actor, Dies at 80.
Kaur passed away at her cousin’s residence in Sudhar in the morning. Her final rites have been performed, Khangura said. Graduating from the Lady Shri Ram College in Delhi, she started her career in movies with Daaz in 1976. Kannada TV Actor Mandya Ravi Dies At 42.
RIP Daljeet Kaur:
The beautiful Actress, Legend of Punjab #Daljeetkaur has sadly left us with her beautiful memories. May god bless her soul and she rest in eternal peace. 🙏🏼 pic.twitter.com/ZgOkv2rV3Z
— King Mika Singh (@MikaSingh) November 17, 2022
Kaur has starred in several hit movies, including Putt Jattan De (1983), Mamla Garbar Hai (1983), Ki Banu Duniya Da (1986), Patola (1988) and Saida Jogan (1979).
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