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Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, April 27, 2022, for all zodiac signs by astrologer Nilikash P Pradhan



You have the ability to outsmart the opposition and you do it so deftly that they may not even be aware of it.

Finance:- Take calculated risk while trading in the stock market.

Career:- Misunderstandings with associates at the work place are likely.

Domestic and love life:- Romantic liaisons will be in your favour but beware of impulsive attachments. They may lead to difficulties with your spouse.

Health:- Your nervous system and intestines might suffer medically.

Lucky number:- 1

Lucky Colour:- Orange


You are ready to ascend a higher plane to lead a more meaningful life.

Finance:- Take prudent steps to build a strong financial foundation.

Career:- The professional arena will demand intense commitment.

Domestic and love life:- Find solutions to familial matters.

Health:- Children may cause some health related issues.

Lucky number:- 4

Lucky Colour:- Yellow


You particularly enjoy dreaming up ideas for the future.

Finance:- You will make money and success will beckon on the work front.

Career:- Look for better or new options if you are not comfortable with your current position.

Domestic and love life:- Your life partner will support your decisions and help you with solving domestic issues.

Health:- Maintain your fitness levels. Avoid spending time outside during heatwave.

Lucky number:- 5

Lucky Colour:- Golden


You will shine in the social and political sector.

Finance:- Invest in commodities.

Career:- Take challenging projects or assignments.

Domestic and love life:- Try to indulge yourself in some social work.

Health:- Health will gradually improve.

Lucky number:- 1

Lucky Colour:- Green


Stick to the basics in business and sports.

Finance:- Deal calmly with expenditures. Avoid spending money unnecessarily.

Career:- Individuals from the photography, designing, interiors, and dancing professional backgrounds may find desired opportunities in the coming days.

Domestic and love life:- Decisions related to marriage need to taken now.

Health:- Avoid going for long travels. Minor stomach-related problem may rise.

Lucky number:- 6

Lucky Colour:- Sky Blue


Tap all avenues and try to balance the fun and work life.

Finance:- Calculate your gambles.

Career:- Those in sports and arts sector will do well.

Domestic and love life:- Go for dress shopping.

Health:- Tension and stress level will subside.

Lucky number:- 3

Lucky Colour:- Savannah


Control your temper. Lest it will get you in trouble.

Finance:- Retailers and traders must maintain stock to earn profits.

Career:- Work pressure will increase.

Domestic and love life:- Aggressive moments could lead to conflicts with loved ones.

Health:- It is likely to be a slightly stressful day.

Lucky number:- 11

Lucky Colour:- Cyan


There will be pace and harmony with partners and new associations will help you in your crusade.

Finance:- Business deals will find success today.

Career:- Be prepared for better pay and privileges that will come with lucrative job offers.

Domestic and love life:- Spend some time with family members.

Health:- Refresh yourself by going on a walk or a trek.

Lucky number:- 19

Lucky Colour:- Dark Green


Avoid controversial statements in public.

Finance:- Choose investment over trading.

Career:- Take the chance of each and every opportunity in business and social work.

Domestic and love life:- Adopt a new attitude or approach to improve your love life.

Health:- Avoid stressful situations that affect your health.

Lucky number:- 1

Lucky Colour:- Light green


Prioritise improving or enhancing your skills.

Finance:- New business projects might recover your previous losses.

Career:- Engage yourself in entertaining your subordinates with your joyful nature. work day will be stress and tension-free.

Domestic and love life:- Romantic liaisons will be in your favour.

Health:- Concentrate on fitness.

Lucky number:- 2

Lucky Colour:- Forest Green


Medical and political sector will bring you fame.

Finance:- Trading in stock market will be profitable.

Career:- Try to be in good books of your seniors.

Domestic and love life:- Sort out your familial problems by getting yourself more actively involved.

Health:- Be cautious while driving. Minor injury is indicated.

Lucky number:- 19

Lucky Colour:- Amber


Students will perform exceptionally well.

Finance:- Expect lots of gains and profits if you are from the business sector.

Career:- Career will shoot up. Unemployed people will find job(s).

Domestic and love life:- Express your feelings or emotions to your partner.

Health:- Take your medicines on time. Try to maintain good health.

Lucky number:- 1

Lucky Colour:- Green

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Published on: Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 11:59 PM IST

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