A case has been registered by Tirupati Police against a group of fans of actor Nandamuri Balakrishna after a goat was killed outside Pratap Theatre in Tata Nagar, Tirupati, to celebrate the release of his film Daaku Maharaaj. The incident, captured on video, has sparked outrage on social media. Animal Sacrifice for Movie Success: Balakrishna Fans Chop Off Goat’s Head Outside Theater for ‘Daaku Maharaj’ Good Luck (Disturbing Video).
Following a complaint from PETA India, an FIR was registered against five people under sections 325 and 270, read with 3(5) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita; sections 4 and 5, read with 6 and 8 of the Andhra Pradesh Animals and Birds Sacrifices (Prohibition) Act, 1950; and sections 3, 11(1)(a) and 11(1)(l) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960.
PETA India, in its complaint, stated that animal sacrifice is prohibited under Section 4 of the Andhra Pradesh Animals and Birds Sacrifices (Prohibition) Act, which bans the participation or assistance with such acts in public or religious congregations. Section 5 forbids sacrificing animals at public places of worship, and Section 6 provides penalties for violations.
Tirupati DSP Venkata Narayana confirmed the arrest of five people and said that others will also be identified very soon. “At around 3:30 am, fans of Balakrishna sacrificed a goat in a public place. This incident was videographed by different people and posted on various social media platforms. We received the information, and upon inquiry, it was revealed that the incident had occurred. A complaint was filed by Mr. Madan Mohan Naidu, a head constable, and a case was registered,” DSP Narayana told ANI.
“The case is under investigation. Five individuals have been identified and arrested, and the remaining people will be identified very soon,” he added.
According to Supreme Court ruling, animals can be slaughtered only in licensed slaughterhouses and that municipal authorities must ensure compliance with this ruling Andhra Pradesh and several other states, including Telangana, Karnataka, and Kerala, have specific laws prohibiting the religious sacrifice of animals in temples or their precincts. ‘Daaku Maharaaj’ Box Office Verdict Hit or Flop: Despite a Grand ‘Success’ Party, Can Nandamuri Balakrishna and Urvashi Rautela’s Film Deliver in Theatres? Find Out!.
In September last year, a similar video did rounds on social media during the release of Balakrishna’s nephew Jr NTR’s film Devara: Part 1.