24 x 7 World News

Cycling from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, to spread awareness on diabetes


IN AN effort to increase awareness about diabetes, Veeranarayan Kulkarni, from Freedom from Diabetes (FFD), is cycling from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. He made a pit stop in Pune at the FFD Clinic at Prabhat Road on Tuesday morning.

Dr Pramod Tripathi, founder of FFD, was present on the occasion. Veeranarayan Kulkarni said the initiative aims at spreading awareness on diabetes. People should be aware of their lifestyle, exercise, eat right and do away with junk food.

He will be cycling a distance of 4,000 km in 40 days. The initiative was officially flagged off in Pune at a special event organised to mark ten years of FFD after which Veeranarayan Kulkarni travelled to Kashmir to start his cycling sojourn.

Dr Tripathi lauded the initiatve to spread awareness about diabetes. At a time when India is becoming the diabetes capital of the world, those diagnosed with higher blood sugar levels should not get worried. Instead they should consult doctors and health professionals and fight it by making significant lifestyle changes. “That’s the real way out of diabetes,” he said.

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