As the Nayanthara-starrer Tamil film Connect gears up for its December 22 release, the makers of the film have decided to release its Hindi version looking at the response from all around. The film marks the second collaboration of director Ashwin Saravanan with Nayanthara, after Maya. Aswhin has also worked with Taapsee Pannu in Game Over and has a strong grip on the horror-thriller genre. Connect Trailer: Nayanthara, Sathyaraj, Anupam Kher, Haniya Nafisa’s Film Promises To Be a Spine-Chilling Horror Thriller (Watch Video).
Talking about the development, producer Vignesh Shivan, who is Nayanthara’s husband, shared, “The audience is appreciating the work of Nayanthara in the north and since the topic is widely relatable to the masses we are planning to release the film in Hindi post its release in Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam. ” Connect Trailer Starring Nayanthara, Sathyaraj, Anupam Kher To Be Released on December 9 at This Time.
He mentioned, “It is yet another amazing horror film by our director Ashwin who is the best in this genre. His previous films, Maya and Game Over were both watched by the Hindi belt audience and garnered immense love and we are sure that ‘Connect’ will also receive the same response”. Produced by Vignesh Shivan under Rowdy Pictures, ‘Connect’ stars Sathyaraj, Anupam Kher, and Vinay Rai. The film is written by Ashwin Saravanan and Kaavya Ramkumar.
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Dec 15, 2022 11:43 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website