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Common childhood behaviours and what they mean: Psychologist explains


Watching a child grow up is one of the most fulfilling processes for a parent to witness. Watching them growing up to be teenagers, watching them take up more responsibilities in life, and being emotionally stable beings are dreams of every parent. Parenting, however, can be challenging at times. Especially for parents who are bringing up children who are in their early stages of life and are not able to completely express how they feel, it can get little challenging. Children often behave in a certain way to communicate about their problems through their behaviours. As parents, we should learn to understand and see through their behaviours and know about the needs they have.

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Addressing this, psychologist Jazmine McCoy wrote, “Remember: Much of what seems like misbehaviour is really your child trying to get their needs met. Common unmet needs include physical activity, connection/attention, power and control, tired, hungry and overstimulated (too much noise, lights, commotion, etc).” She further translated a few common childhood behaviours:

Not cooperating with daily habits: Refusing to brush teeth or eating food, can be their way of expressing that they need some power and control, and want to release a few pent-up emotions that they may be facing.

Playing aggressively with toys: Breaking toys or being aggressive them can mean that they are asserting their control over their sibling or are trying to get some attention from their parents.

Getting fussy: Being fussy about everything can be a way for them to express that they are overstimulated and they need to take some rest.

Being silly: Running, playing chase and being silly about everything can be for wanting the attention of their parents and the need to play.

Annoying their parents: Following parents everywhere and playing with the things that parents use, can be ways of demonstrating that they are in the need of feeling some affection and importance.

Snuggling, hugging: Physical forms of affection are showed by children as a way of saying that they love their parents.

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