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Coles, Woolworths offer to manage 5200 tonnes of soft plastics left behind in warehouses


Supermarket giants Coles and Woolworths have offered to clean-up more than 5200 tonnes of soft plastics left behind from a failed recycling program.

The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (EPA) yesterday issued a revised draft Clean-Up Notice to the grocers regarding the waste, which is stockpiled across the state.

Both retailers issued a joint statement this morning, say they had extended their offer to REDcycle.

RedCycle have been unsafely storing plastic bags in warehouses rather than distributing them for reuse, creating a fire risk, and discouraging recycling. Lucinda Moje, Footscray student, recycler. Photo by Jason South. 8th November 2022
Woolworths and Coles are set to clean up thousands of tonnes of soft plastics. (Jason South)

The soft plastics had been taken into stores by customers as part of the REDcycle program, but had been sitting idle in warehouses around the country.

“REDcycle is yet to respond, however the retailers’ ability to access and manage the stockpiles will require the cooperation of REDcycle, as the recycling company currently maintains control of the material and its storage arrangements across numerous locations,” the statement read.

“If REDcycle takes up this opportunity, the supermarkets will implement an interim strategy, such as safely storing material until it can be viably processed for recycling.”

NSW EPA Chief Executive Officer Tony Chappel said both Coles and Woolworths had indicated a willingness to work with the EPA to address immediate safety concerns.

“We welcome the decision by both retailers to prioritise the safety of NSW communities and take responsibility for the REDcycle stockpiles in NSW,” Chappel said.

Supermarket giants Coles and Woolworths have offered to clean-up more than 5200 tonnes of soft plastics left behind. (Nine)

“Our revised notice requires the removal of soft plastics from their current location to an appropriate site within seven weeks to ensure we reduce the risk of fire.”

Beyond the interim storage measures, the revised notice gives the retailers 12 months to develop a “lawful solution” that determines the future of the materials, whether that be reprocessing at a recycling facility, exporting it overseas, or, as a last resort, sending it to landfill.

Chappel said the EPA and supermarkets were committed to ensuring the material is recycled with landfilling the waste as a last resort.

“All manufacturers and retailers have a responsibility to deliver sustainable solutions for plastic packaging,” he said.

“We are pleased to see industry engaging productively on both immediate and long-term solutions to these shared sustainability challenges, and we are now working more constructively towards a common goal.”

Woolworths Group CEO Brad Banducci said Australians had been “let down”.

“We were very disappointed to learn that REDcycle hasn’t been recycling the soft plastics they collected from our stores, and we are working to make it right,” he said.

“Coles and Woolworths have taken this step to provide reassurance to the public that the soft plastics they took the effort to deposit in REDcycle’s bins won’t be unnecessarily sent to landfill.”

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To date, the supermarkets have not been given access to the stockpiled material.

They will need to assess whether any of the soft plastic has degraded to an extent where it is no longer suitable for reprocessing.

Coles chief operations and sustainability officer Matt Swindells said the supermarkets were committed to recycling.

“Our aim is to continue to work with governments and industry to find workable solutions to soft plastic recycling in Australia so our customers can resume the good work they’ve done over the past decade, in sorting their soft plastic and knowing that it will be recycled,” he said.

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