24 x 7 World News

Churches in Pune gear up for Christmas celebrations, urge public to follow Covid norms


Churches across the Diocese of Poona have made preparations for celebrating Christmas with the traditional midnight mass. At St Patrick’s Cathedral, the carol service will commence at 10 pm on Christmas eve followed by the midnight mass. On December 25, there will be a morning Christmas mass at the scheduled time.

Father Malcolm Sequeira, Vicar General, Diocese of Poona, has said in the wake of rising Covid cases in other countries, church-goers should follow Covid-appropriate behaviour and ensure the elderly and those with comorbid conditions are protected by wearing masks.

PM Narendra Modi, who chaired a meeting on the Covid situation in the country, has urged citizens to follow Covid-appropriate behaviour, such as wearing masks, especially in view of the upcoming festive season.

There are 37 churches in the Diocese of Poona with 23 in the city. At Camp, St Xavier’s church will have Christmas carols and a skit at 9 pm prior to the midnight mass on Christmas eve. On Christmas day, there will be mass at scheduled times in the morning. Most churches do not have the evening mass on December 25.

Bishop Thomas Dabre, Bishop of Poona, has in his Christmas message, said, “Terrorism, extremisms, fundamentalism and discrimination are on the increase in the name of religion. All this is contrary to the authentic nature of religion.”

“In Myanmar, Ukraine, Russia, Africa and other countries, people of the same religion are fighting belligerently and violently. In such a grim and stressful environment, the message of Christmas clarifies the essence and the purpose of religion. Religion means joy, peace, harmony and love,” the Bishop said.

“The celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ is not limited to Christians. People of all religions, cultures and nationalities also join in the joyful celebrations. Religion transcends the confines of time and space. Religion should not be bounded by the borders of nations and cultures. This is palpably communicated through Christmas,” he added.

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