Chilling footage on doomed submarine shows crew singing ‘Goodbye’ before all 53 died – World News

A chilling video filmed aboard the doomed Indonesian submarine where 53 sailors died has revealed a happier moment captured before the tragedy.

The poignant footage shows a group of servicemen smiling and singing around a guitarist who is playing a hit called Sampai Jumpa or ‘goodbye.’

Only weeks after that video was recorded all of the men would be killed after the KRI Nanggala-402 vessel broke into at least three parts deep in the Bali Sea.

The Indonesian navy released the video as it was confirmed that all 53 crew members on board the missing submarine were dead after the broken remains were found.

Indonesia’s president Joko Widodo went on to send condolences to relatives of the crew.

The poignant video was released by the Indonesian navy

He said: “All of us Indonesians express our deep sorrow over this tragedy, especially to the families of the submarine crew.”

In the search effort rescuers had found new objects, including a life vest, that they believe belong to those aboard the 44-year old vessel, which lost contact on Wednesday as it prepared to conduct a torpedo drill.

Military chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto told reporters: “Based on the evidence, it can be stated that the KRI Nanggala has sunk and all of its crew have died.”

Navy chief of staff Yudo Margono said the crew were not to blame for the accident.

Images were released by the navy showing the sunk vessel
Various objects had been found during weekend searches
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“The KRI Nanggala is divided into three parts, the hull of the ship, the stern of the ship, and the main parts are all separated, with the main part found cracked,” he said.

Search teams went on to say on Saturday they had found objects including prayer mat fragments and a bottle of periscope lubricant near the submarine’s last known location, leading the navy to believe the vessel had cracked.

Mr Margono said that a sonar scan had detected a submarine-like object at 850 metres, beyond the Nanggala’s diving range.

The diesel electric-powered vessel was designed to withstand a depth of up to 500 metres.

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