Chennai, August 28: In a distressing incident, a police constable identified as Murali attempted suicide by consuming poison in Kodungaiyur, Chennai, after incurring significant losses in online rummy. Murali, stationed at Kodungaiyur police station, is currently receiving treatment at a hospital in Tirupattur. Reports reveal that he had become addicted to playing online rummy during his leisure time and had accumulated substantial debt as a result.
According to the Times of India report, Murali’s addiction to online rummy led him to spend substantial sums of money on the game, forcing him to take multiple loans from banks that he struggled to repay. His financial difficulties took a toll on his mental well-being. His parents reported that he had pressured them to sell their land to provide him with funds for playing rummy. Chennai Shocker: Man Who Groped Over 100 Women on City’s Streets and Fled on Bike Arrested.
His condition took a serious turn when he failed to return for duty on August 25, despite being scheduled to do so after his leave. Worried for his safety, his parents informed his superiors about his consumption of poison in a farmland. Following this information, he was found unconscious and rushed to a hospital in Krishnagiri district. Chennai Shocker: Refused Money by Father, Youth Hurls Country Made Bomb at His Own House, Injures Uncle and Sister.
Over the last few years, Tamil Nadu has witnessed more than 40 cases of suicide linked to losses in online gambling. Similar tragic occurrences were reported, such as the case of a police constable in Coimbatore, R Kalimuthu, who died by suicide after losing Rs 20 lakh in online rummy. As Murali’s condition remains stable, authorities are conducting further investigations to ascertain the extent of his financial losses due to online rummy.
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Aug 28, 2023 06:59 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website