24 x 7 World News
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How child soldiers heal after the trauma of war

Shadows into LightTheresa S. BetancourtHarvard Univ., $35 For more than two decades, Theresa S. Betancourt has followed the lives of children (now adults) who returned home after being forced to fight in the civil war that…

Velvet ants have the Swiss Army knife of venoms

Few creatures can tangle with a velvet ant and walk away unscathed. These ground-dwelling insects are not ants, but parasitic wasps known for their excruciating stings. Now researchers have discovered that the wasps don’t dole…

Twisting Words Crossword

Sid Sivakumar, a puzzle constructor and M.D./Ph.D. student in biomedical engineering and neuroscience, edited this puzzle. Looking for answers? Go to sciencenews.org/puzzle-answers. We’ll publish science-themed crosswords…