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The Most Scariest Zodiac Signs

Certain zodiac signs are considered scary due to their powerful personalities, intense emotions, and behaviors that can sometimes be overwhelming. These signs often have qualities that make them difficult to predict or deal with, but…

Sepsis, or death by lethal message

Like a poison pen, dying cells prick their neighbors with a lethal message. This may worsen sepsis, Vijay Rathinam and colleagues in the UConn School of Medicine report in the Jan. 23 issue of Cell. Their findings could lead to a new…

New design makes aluminum batteries last longer

Large batteries for long-term storage of solar and wind power are key to integrating abundant and renewable energy sources into the U.S. power grid. However, there is a lack of safe and reliable battery technologies to support the push…

Progress and challenges in brain implants

In a paper recently published in the leading journal The Lancet Digital Health, a scientific team led by Stanisa Raspopovic from MedUni Vienna looks at the progress and challenges in the research and development of brain implants. New…