24 x 7 World News

Caring for coral reefs through art


The exhibit features a stunning display of white coral-shaped structures that are made of paper.
| Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

The Pulp Society Gallery has brought together the works of artists Rajat Sodhi and Christoph Klemmt, for their latest exhibition titled, “Khoral.” On display is a stunning display of white coral-shaped structures that are completely made of paper. The uniqueness of the structures lies in the design which has been generated through an algorithm. 

It is mesmerising to watch exhibits crafted with amazing attention to detail. Each structure is made up of 30 flaps, with each flap created using the technique of computational designing. The paper has been cut and pasted in a way that the structure stands erect, creating a breathtaking sight. 

The inspiration for “Khoral” came from the re-emergence of the significance of Nature during the pandemic, says Rajat. The dying Barrier Reef is a poignant reminder of the threat to coral reefs due to climate change, pollution, and human activities, he says. 

The view of the structures from the top.

The view of the structures from the top.
| Photo Credit:
Special Arrangement

“When corals die, they get bleached and turn white. Therefore, the white structure exhibits that corals are at risk,” explains Priyanshi Saxena, the curator of the exhibition. The light blinking on the surface of the structures represents the breathing movement of corals, a subtle reminder of their delicate nature. 

“Khoral” is a testament to the power of technology and creativity coming together for art that raises awareness about the environment. It is a visual representation of the intricate and awe-inspiring world that exists below the ocean’s surface, to be discovered and protected. “Our aim was to put out works that are beautiful to look at, interesting to engage with and which push forward such concerns about the environment”, says Priyanshi. 

And the exhibition establishes exactly that!

Khoral is on till May 13 at The Pulp Society Gallery, B-247 Okhla Industrial Area, Phase I; from 11 am to 6 pm(Sunday closed)

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