Actor Esha Gupta made her debut at the Cannes Film Festival this year. Apart from making headlines with her gorgeous red-carpet look in a thigh-high slit gown, Esha also impressed fans with her head-turning sartorial moments while attending galas or strolling the streets of the French Riviera town. The star’s latest photoshoots show her in two steal-worthy bodycon dresses, showing the internet how to rule the style statement.
Esha Gupta ruled the bodycon style statement in two dresses
Esha Gupta’s latest pictures from the Cannes Film Festival show her in a sky-blue pattern and a black thigh-high slit bodycon dress. While she wore the black-coloured ensemble for a date night with her boyfriend, Manuel Campos Guallar, the printed ensemble is from a day outing in the French Riviera town. Both attires are must-have looks for your wardrobe. You can wear them for lunch dates or romantic dinner outings. Scroll ahead to see how Esha styled the outfits.
Esha’s sky-blue-coloured gown comes decorated in quirky patterns in darker blue and white hues. It features a turtle neckline, cut-outs on the shoulder, full-length sleeves, a figure-hugging silhouette accentuating her enviable frame, and a calf-length hem.
Esha accessorised the dress with black sunnies, a hot pink tip handle mini bag, and colourful strap high heels. Lastly, she chose a centre-parted sleek bun, mauve lip shade, rouged cheeks, dewy base, and darkened brows for the glam picks.
Esha slipped into a black bodycon dress for the second look. The sleeveless ensemble features a plunging decolletage-flaunting neckline, rose adornments on the hips, a risque thigh-high slit on the side, a figure-complementing fitting, a gathered design, and an asymmetric hem.
Esha styled the ensemble with a silver embellished handbag, white strapped heels, a sleek bracelet, rings, dangling earrings, and a luxurious watch. A pulled-back bun, nude lips, dewy blushed skin, subtle eye shadow, feathered brows, and mascara on the lashes gave the finishing touch.