A young woman in Uttar Pradesh’s Budaun recreated a dramatic scene akin to Dharmendra’s ‘Veeru’ from Sholay by climbing a water tank in Sarai Piparia village on January 21. Upset with her family’s refusal to let her marry her sister’s brother-in-law, Nitesh, the woman threatened to jump off, sparking panic. Villagers gathered to persuade her to come down, but she resisted. The police, informed of the situation, arrived and enlisted help from locals to rescue her after a two-hour effort. The video of the incident, captured by a bystander, has since gone viral on social media. After being safely brought down, the woman explained her actions were driven by her family’s opposition to her love marriage. The police handed her over to her family, ensuring her safety. ‘Virginity Test’ Conducted on Woman Before Her Wedding Night in Madhya Pradesh’s Indore, Court Orders FIR Against In-Laws.
Budaun Girl Climbs Water Tank in Protest Over Love Marriage
बहन के देवर से शादी न होने पर लड़की का हाई वोल्टेज ड्रामा, पानी की टंकी पर चढ़ी
यूपी के बदायूं में बहन के देवर के साथ शादी न होने पर एक युवती पानी की टंकी पर चढ़ गई और नीचे कूदकर जान देने की धमकी देने लगी. पुलिस ने युवती का ध्यान भटकाया और फिर परिजनों के साथ पकड़कर उसे नीचे ले… pic.twitter.com/srtq5DOcBI
— NBT Hindi News (@NavbharatTimes) January 21, 2025
प्रकरण के सम्बन्ध में स्थानीय पुलिस द्वारा लोगों की मदद से उपरोक्त युवती को सकुशल टंकी से नीचे उतारकर सकुशल उसके परिवारजन के सुपुर्द किया गया।
— Budaun Police (@budaunpolice) January 22, 2025
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