Borax TikTok Trend Is More Dangerous than You Think! Everything You Need to Know about the Harmful Fad Being Touted as a Cure for Many Health Issues

Remember the time when people were eating Tide pods for fun online? Well, there is a successor to the trend. On TikTok, the #boraxchallenge has taken over where people are simply eating borax. That’s it… for the thrills of it, consuming borax. This trend has received millions of views so far, where people are discussing their “journey” of ingesting laundry detergent if you search for the hashtag. The algorithm is only making this trend blow up even more. Beer Tanning Trend EXPLAINED: All You Need To Know About This Insane TikTok Trend and Why You Should Stay Far Away From It.

TikTok members began taking Borax, a laundry detergent and insecticide, in an effort to treat arthritic and lupus symptoms, which raised red flags with doctors. Borax is a naturally occurring mineral that combines boron, salt, and oxygen. It is also known as sodium borate, sodium tetraborate, or disodium tetraborate. What Is the Viral Borax Train Trend? Know All About This TikTok Fad That Has People Drinking Toxic Borax. 

It’s been widely used for years as a household cleaning and laundry detergent, and you can find it in small amounts in toothpaste, cosmetics, and insecticides. However, users on TikTok have just recently begun celebrating the purported advantages of taking the mineral in viral videos, giving the drug a life of its own. Some are referring to the borax challenge as “the Tide Pod challenge for boomers,” making reference to the moral outrage that occurred in 2018 when youths were caught on camera eating Tide Pods for social media fame.

Please don’t intentionally breathe it in or rub it on your skin. That could irritate people in many ways wherever the borax ends up. You shouldn’t be ingesting it. Borax can cause unpleasant side effects such diarrhoea, vomiting, throat injury, and nausea when swallowed. In fact, consuming more borax might cause kidney failure and shock, which are two conditions you definitely don’t want to have. These popular health-related TikTok videos have an air of accessibility about them.

(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Aug 03, 2023 01:55 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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