Bollywood actor Sunny Deol shared an adorable photo of himself hugging his younger brother, Bobby Deol, in a heartfelt birthday post. The picture, which beautifully captured the strong bond between the two, showed Sunny wrapping his arms around Bobby as they posed together. Along with the photo, the Border actor wrote a sweet message that read, “Happy Birthday Little Brother, My Lord Bobby.” The post quickly garnered attention, not just from fans but also from their family members and industry friends. Bobby Deol Officially Joins Vijay’s Final Film ‘Thalapathy 69’ Directed by H Vinoth – Check Out the Bollywood Star’s Intense Poster!.
Their sister, Esha Deol, dropped heart emojis in the comments section, while actor Rahul Dev commented, “Happy birthday Bobby.”
View Sunny Deol’s Post:
Bobby Deol is celebrating his 56th birthday today, January 27. On his special day, he is receiving heartfelt shout-outs from family members and fans on social media.
In an earlier interview, the Animal actor spoke about his relationship with his elder brother, Sunny, and the profound impact he has had on him. Describing his brother as a “blessing,” Bobby admitted that, initially, he felt that Sunny would intentionally assert his role as the older sibling and boss him around. However, over time, Bobby came to appreciate the wisdom and guidance his elder brother provided, recognizing the significance of their bond.
Bobby Deol made his acting debut in 1995 with Rajkumar Santoshi’s Barsaat, marking the beginning of a promising career in Bollywood. In the late 90s, Bobby quickly rose to stardom, delivering a series of successful commercial hits, including Gupt, Soldier, and Humraaz.
A pivotal moment in Bobby Deol’s career came when he portrayed Baba Nirala in the web series Aashram. His career received a further boost with his powerful performance in Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal, where he played the brutal villain, Abrar Haque. ‘Thalapathy 69’: Bobby Deol Joins Vijay’s Final Film Directed by H Vinoth; Makers Share Exciting Update Welcoming the Bollywood Star
He received widespread praise for his impactful, albeit brief, role in the revenge thriller starring Ranbir Kapoor.
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Jan 27, 2025 11:43 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website