New Delhi: Bollywood actor Taapsee Pannu, on Tuesday, unveiled the official trailer of her upcoming thriller film `Blurr`. Taking to Instagram, Taapsee shared the trailer which she captioned, “If you can`t see it, can you escape it? #BlurrOnZEE5, premieres 9th Dec.”
Helmed by Ajay Bahl, the film is all set to stream exclusively on the OTT platform Zee 5 from December 9, 2022. Soon after the actor shared the news, fans swamped the comment section and dropped red heart and fire emoticons.
“After “2:12″ I was eagerly waiting for your next project mam. It`s always treat to watch you as you always take strong, challenging and unique role and do justice with it. All the very best,” a fan commented. Another fan wrote, “She is an underrated Bestest thrilling Heroine For Us Good Job.”
The film also stars the `Shaitan` actor Gulshan Devaiah in the lead role. The movie has been produced by Zee Studios, Outsider Films and Echelon Productions.The film also marks Taapsee`s debut as a producer.
Reportedly, `Blurr` was partly shot in the heritage buildings of Nainital with Mall Road and Russian Bypass. Besides this, certain scenes were covered at places like Bhimtal, Bhawali Sattal, and Mukteshwar.
Meanwhile, Taapsee was recently seen in a thriller film `DoBaaraa` which failed to impress the audience at the box office. She will be next seen in director Rajkumar Hirani`s upcoming film `Dunki` alongside Shah Rukh Khan and with actor Pratik Gandhi in `Woh Ladki Hai Kahan`.