24 x 7 World News

‘Blokey world overturned’: The Australian women leading the nation’s booming wine trade


Female Australian winemakers are taking the viticultural industry by storm with Sky News Wines and Travel Editor Des Houghton declaring the “blokey world” of wine making has now been overturned.

Jules Ashmead, who leads operations at Elderton Wines, is just one in a growing list of women who are making their mark in the multi-million-dollar global industry.

And Mr Houghton says some of the products are even outranking the world’s best French champagnes.

“It’s rather extraordinary – this woman (Ms Ashmead) is at the top of her game,” he told Sky News Australia.

“She’s a fifth-generation winemaker, her forbears came out to dig for gold in the Victorian gold rush and they planted vines in the 1850s.

“But she is not the only one – there’s a great number of companies now with female wine makers at the helm. There are even two women, Natalie Fryar and Kate Laurie making sparkling wines that have scored more points than French champagnes.

“So, the blokey world of wine making has been overturned and a lot these appointments are only recent ones.

“Australian women are out there doing wonderful things.”

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