Filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri, known for his impactful storytelling, is currently in the midst of shooting his much-anticipated film, The Delhi Files. Amid the excitement, Agnihotri took to social media to express his gratitude for veteran actor Anupam Kher and shared heartwarming pictures alongside Kher and his wife, producer Pallavi Joshi.
In his post, Agnihotri wrote, “Kher Saab isn’t just an incredible actor but a friend who’s more like family. Whether on-screen or off, your warmth and wisdom make every moment unforgettable. @AnupamPKher, truly blessed to have you by my side!” The heartfelt message highlighted the deep camaraderie between the two creative powerhouses.
Speculation is rife that Anupam Kher will collaborate with Vivek Agnihotri in The Delhi Files, adding to their string of successful partnerships. The duo has previously worked together on The Kashmir Files and The Vaccine War, both of which earned critical acclaim and showcased Kher’s exceptional acting prowess. Fans are eagerly awaiting another compelling narrative from the upcoming project.
Kher Saab isn’t just an incredible actor but a friend who’s more like family. Whether on-screen or off, your warmth and wisdom make every moment unforgettable.@AnupamPKher, truly blessed to have you by my side!
— Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri (@vivekagnihotri) December 31, 2024
Titled “The Delhi Files: The Bengal Chapter,” the film is being directed by Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri and jointly produced by Abhishek Agarwal and Pallavi Joshi. Presented by Tej Narayan Agarwal and I Am Buddha Productions, the film is slated for a worldwide release on August 15, 2025. The project promises to deliver another thought-provoking cinematic experience, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats.