BLACKPINK’s Rose Turns Heads at Paris Fashion Show With Monochrome Chic (View Pics)

BLACKPINK member Rose, a brand ambassador for Saint Laurent, graced the Ready-to-wear Fall-Winter 2024/2025 fashion show in Paris, donning an all-black ensemble. Her sheer top and skirt set, adorned with cascading ruffles, unveiled a matching black bra top. With its flowing train that complemented her monochrome theme, the tiered skirt harmonised with her chic look. Black square sunglasses, pointed heels, and a quilted purse with a gold chain strap completed her ensemble. Opting for minimal jewellery, she complemented her look with rosy red blush and delicate pink matte lipstick, enhancing her minimalist aesthetic. With platinum blonde hair slicked back, Rose exuded sleek sophistication at the event. BLACKPINK’s Rose Birthday: Eight Cute Nicknames of K-Pop’s Blonde Girl and Where She Got Them From!

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