LUCKNOW: Aam Aadmi Party MP and UP in charge Sanjay Singh, who had earlier this week raised the issue of alleged irregularities in land dealings by the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust, on Saturday said that members of BJP were complicit in corrupt dealings which had delayed the construction of the temple.
In fresh documents released by the party, Singh claimed that Ayodhya Mayor Rishikesh Upadhyay and his nephew Deep Narayan were involved in the questionable land deals.
“Upadhyay was the witness in the all crucial deal where land was first sold to two persons for Rs 5.6 crore and then minutes later was sold to the Trust for Rs 18.5 crore, Narayan purchased land worth Rs 35.6 lakh in Kot Ramchandar for Rs 20 lakh. One Jagdish Prasad purchased land in the same area, worth Rs 14.8 lakh for Rs 10 lakh. However, the Trust purchases land worth Rs 60 lakh for Rs 4 crore in the same area,” he said.
Singh said that after he raised the issue of corruption, BJP started accusing him of playing politics but now the chief pujari of Ram Lalla, Satyendra Das and other senior seers like Mahant Dharmadas, Swami Avimukteshwaranand, Shankaracharya of Dwarka Sharada Peetham, Swami Swaroopanand Saraswati have also asked for an investigation of this matter by CBI and ED.
“It is really unfortunate that even though this matter was brought to light six days back, the government has not taken any action on this. We demand that this entire land purchase matter be settled through a fast-track court,” Singh said.
In fresh documents released by the party, Singh claimed that Ayodhya Mayor Rishikesh Upadhyay and his nephew Deep Narayan were involved in the questionable land deals.
“Upadhyay was the witness in the all crucial deal where land was first sold to two persons for Rs 5.6 crore and then minutes later was sold to the Trust for Rs 18.5 crore, Narayan purchased land worth Rs 35.6 lakh in Kot Ramchandar for Rs 20 lakh. One Jagdish Prasad purchased land in the same area, worth Rs 14.8 lakh for Rs 10 lakh. However, the Trust purchases land worth Rs 60 lakh for Rs 4 crore in the same area,” he said.
Singh said that after he raised the issue of corruption, BJP started accusing him of playing politics but now the chief pujari of Ram Lalla, Satyendra Das and other senior seers like Mahant Dharmadas, Swami Avimukteshwaranand, Shankaracharya of Dwarka Sharada Peetham, Swami Swaroopanand Saraswati have also asked for an investigation of this matter by CBI and ED.
“It is really unfortunate that even though this matter was brought to light six days back, the government has not taken any action on this. We demand that this entire land purchase matter be settled through a fast-track court,” Singh said.