Nuh, August 15: Bittu Bajrangi was arrested by police in connection with Nuh violence, which broke out on July 31, officials said on Tuesday. According to a spokesperson of Faridabad police, Bittu Bajranig, accused of raising slogans in front of a female police officer in Nuh with weapons like swords, was arrested after questioning. A case was registered against him and 15-20 others in Thana Sadar, Nuh under the Illegal Arms Act and relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
Violence had broken out between two groups on July 31 in Haryana’s Nuh district that claimed the lives of six people including two Home Guards. However, days after the violence, the Nuh administration, in a crackdown launched an anti-encroachment drive and razed down several commercial shops, including the one from where stones were pelted during the violence.
Moreover, according to the Haryana government, as many as 156 people were arrested and 56 FIRs were in connection with the violence and rioting in the Nuh district.
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