24 x 7 World News

BikeSmarts Shares Everything About Bikes from Grease to Rust


Summer is dwindling for many regions of the USA, but the fall season brings new opportunities for cycling enthusiasts. New areas to explore as well as cooler weather is a relief, and cyclists love to travel from area to area to enjoy otherwise unknown opportunities. Some areas of the USA become congested with cyclists and the roadways are filled with cyclists either riding their bikes or transporting them to another area.

To enjoy the full impact of this sport, however, the right type of bike should be found, and of course, proper maintenance is required.  Bikesmart.com has a blog chock full of great advice on bike purchases as well as bike maintenance.  Even a section on how to assemble a bike or install a new part exists. Locations of bike trails where the most scenic and thrilling experiences exist are also amassed in the blog that Bikesmarts.com devotes it’s time to. The blog even explains how to remove bike grease from clothing and rust from bikes.

The impact of this blog, however, will be bigger than ever this year, as Bikesmarts.com keeps updates on the blog and their Facebook page about the shortages of some models and styles of bikes. It is yet to be seen how difficult this may be for cyclists, especially with the holiday season right around the corner, as many cyclists receive new bikes or parts for holiday gifts in the USA.

It is also not unusual for holiday trips to be planned by devoted cyclists, to rough terrain where they can enjoy a thrilling experience, and holiday plans can also be disrupted with some areas of the USA still under restrictions via Covid-19.

The best line of defense against receiving a crushing blow concerning the unavailability of bikes or the inability to travel to some destinations is to visit Bikesmarts.com regularly and find the latest updates on all matters concerning cycling. This blog is updated regularly and there is a question-and-answer section on Facebook where cyclists can quickly find information that is not listed on the blog yet.

Bikesmarts provides a wide variety of information on the blog itself but also through its Facebook presence. Stocking up now on all parts or gear is recommended to fight a possible upcoming shortage and all cyclists that are planning a trip should be looking towards the future as early as October.

Reviews exist on particular bikes on this blog, so purchasing a new bike or even parts become simpler. Tires are reviewed, as are frame types, and suggestions abound on all types of on-roads and off-road terrain riding such as gravel and other types of rough terrain. Not every cyclist needs the same type of bike, as a pleasure rider is much different from an adventure rider and so is the type of bike.

The Bikesmarts blog covers all manner of riders and has advice needed on the blog for just about everyone that is a cycling enthusiast. With the differing needs of each cyclist, comfort is also a factor as is price, and reviews on the blog and the Facebook page do give answers that are sought by most riders.

The reality is that a bike, no matter what the usage, needs to be comfortable and well-maintained, or it will not be ridden. And since shortages on most everything now exists across the USA, it is time to become acquainted with the Bikesmarts.com blog and keep abreast of the updates on cycling as they happen. Knowledge is bliss in cycling.

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