Armed assailants on Wednesday gunned down a bank employee outside his house in Bihar’s Gopalganj district. The deceased, identified as Ravindra Yadav (35), was sitting outside his house when around 6-8 bike-borne assailants stormed his house in Lahladpur village.
“He, along with his family members, was sitting outside the house when they fired at him from close range. He was shot four times in the head by Rajendra Yadav and Chhotelal Yadav (who live in a neighbouring village),” his nephew Pankaj Yadav said.
The incident happened barely a few hours his niece’s wedding.
The deceased worked as a cashier at a bank in Koila Deva area that falls under Phulwariya police station area of the district. “He was on leave on account of his niece’s wedding and was to resume duty on Thursday (June 15),” said a family member, refusing to be identified.
When contacted, Gopalganj superintendent of police Swarn Prabhat said a case has been registered and five people have been made named accused. “So far, three people have been picked up for interrogation. We are looking into the matter,’ he said.