Actor Salman Khan is all set to return as the host for Bigg Boss OTT 2. Ahead of the OTT show’s premier, makers have unveiled the first glimpses of the 13 contestants who will be entering the Bigg Boss house this time. Based on the first reveal, rumours about Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s estranged wife Aaliya Siddiqui, Sheezan Khan’s sister Falaq Naazz and others being a part of the show have started doing rounds on the internet. Also read: Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss OTT 2 to premiere on June 17
First glimpse of Bigg Boss OTT 2
The platform dropped glimpses of all contestants with alias names of ‘Astro Baby’, ‘Hero No’, ‘Insaan’, ‘One Piece’, ‘Womaniya, ‘Superstar’, ‘Theekhi Puri’, and ‘Heroine’ among others.
Bigg Boss OTT 2 rumoured contestants
According to a report of Times Now, this year’s contestants will be Aaliya Siddiqui, Akanksha Puri, Jiya Shankar, Puneet Superstar, Avinash Sachdev, Cyrus Broacha, Falaq Naazz and Palak Purswani. While Aaliya has been in the news regarding her case against Nawazuddin, Falaq Naazz made news due to her brother Sheezan’s association with Tunisha Sharma’s death case. Akanksha Puri is the winner of Swayamvar: Mika Di Vohti.
On the other hand, Jiya Shankar recently made her film debut with Riteish Deshmukh’s Ved. Actor Avinash Sachdev is best known for shows like Chotti Bahu and Kis Desh Main Hai Mera Dil. Cyrus is one of the most popular VJs who appeared on MTV Bakra. Palak Purswani is the ex girlfriend of Avinash Sachdev.
Unconfirmed contestants
Reportedly, Anjali Arora of Lock Upp fame, Manisha Rani, Kevin Almasifar, Bebika Dhurve, Shruti Sinha and Jad Hadid are also likely to be a part of the show. The official list of contestants for Bigg Boss OTT 2 is yet to be announced.
Rajeev Sen and Adhyayan Suman were also reportedly offered to participate in Bigg Boss OTT 2. However, they could not take it up due to prior commitments.
The second season of Bigg Boss OTT will be streaming on June 17 on Jio Cinema for free. Salman Khan will be hosting the OTT version of the show for the first time. Previously, filmmaker Karan Johar had hosted the first season in 2021.