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BidenтАЩs cyber red line is prime for a Putin challenge, experts say


The summit between Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin left two things clear: Russia is almost sure to test BidenтАЩs resolve on cyberattacks, and the U.S. president may find his red line with his Russian counterpart difficult to enforce.

In a meeting in Geneva on Wednesday, Biden said he gave Putin a list of 16 critical sectors that shouldnтАЩt be hacked lest the American government respond with its own cyber forces. But the U.S. has previously struggled to figure out how to curb cyberattacks by U.S. adversaries, and experts said that deterring Russian cyber aggression wonтАЩt be easy.

J.J. Thompson, a cybersecurity entrepreneur and adviser, said Putin may attempt to comply with BidenтАЩs pronouncement by тАЬwashingтАЭ hacking through тАЬaffiliates in disparate nation statesтАЭ to make it harder to attribute the attacks.

Thompson said the status quo would remain unchanged until тАЬthe incentive of compliance with lines Biden draws in the sand outweighs the benefits Putin gets from crossing those lines.тАЭ

A recent rash of major cyberattacks тАФ some of them linked to Russia тАФ has posed an early test for Biden. The president and his staff have repeatedly said that addressing cybersecurity is a priority but figuring out how to do it is a complex problem.

The Russian government has teams of sophisticated hackers who have been accused of myriad incursions, including the attacks on the Democratic Party ahead of the 2016 election, when Biden was vice president, and last yearтАЩs hack of nine U.S. federal agencies and about 100 private businesses via a breach in software from Texas-based SolarWinds Corp. and other methods. Russia also provides safe haven to criminal hacking groups that have waged devastating attacks on U.S. businesses and organizations, according to former U.S. officials and cybersecurity experts.

Previous administrations have filed indictments against hackers in Russia and other foreign adversaries, and they have also issued sanctions. In addition, the U.S.тАЩs own cyber forces have carried out covert actions, according to the New York Times. But if anything, the attacks have only gotten worse.

In the last two months, Russia-linked criminal gangs have been blamed for ransomware attacks against Colonial Pipeline, which caused a shortage of fuel supplies along the East Coast of the U.S., and meat supplier JBS SA, which disrupted operations in the U.S., Canada and Australia.

Bill Evanina, chief executive officer of the Evanina Group and former director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, said BidenтАЩs actions were a signal to U.S. allies and the private sector, to which much of the countryтАЩs critical infrastructure belongs, that the U.S. is confronting cyberthreats.

тАЬWith President Biden placing cyber lines in the sand, it provides geopolitical leadership to NATO, the EU and the globe,тАЭ he said. тАЬAdditionally, it also provides a strong message to the U.S. private sector, as they work diligently to shore up cyber defenses, that there will be repercussions in the future if Putin continues to allow damaging cyberattacks in the U.S., or to U.S. companies.тАЭ

The summit represented a key opportunity for BidenтАЩs administration to define its own approach to deterrence in cyberspace. тАЬI pointed out to him we have significant cyber capability, and he knows it,тАЭ Biden said at a news conference following the summit. тАЬHe doesnтАЩt know exactly what it is, but itтАЩs significant. If in fact they violate these basic norms, we will respond.тАЭ

When Russia ultimately tests these red lines, it will be critical for the U.S. to use cyber measures that are both тАЬproportional and consistent with international law,тАЭ according to Jim Lewis, senior vice president at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Proportionality is critical for cultivating international support for U.S. actions in cyberspace and for ensuring the Kremlin doesnтАЩt escalate the hacking, he said, adding тАЬRussiaтАЩs goal is to avoid a military clash.тАЭ

Michael Daniel, who leads the threat intelligence sharing organization, the Cyber Threat Alliance, and was a former White House cybersecurity coordinator under President Barack Obama, said BidenтАЩs mandate to Putin created a тАЬfoundation for future actions to counter Russian sponsored or tolerated activity.тАЭ

But he added, тАЬAs always, the challenge now will be for the U.S. to back up the message that President Biden delivered when the Russians inevitably test our resolve.тАЭ

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