Actor Ajay Devgn on Saturday dropped a video from the sets of Bholaa. In the clip, Ajay is seen riding a scooter. Seeing him, his fans gathered around him and cheered for him. “It’s good when a mob chases you for the right reasons. Grateful for their…PS – Always wear a helmet while riding. My head is bare because I was a part of the shoot,” he captioned the clip. Ajay Devgn and Rohit Shetty Reunite For Singham Again!
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The film is the official Hindi remake of the 2019 Tamil superhit Kaithi and features Tabu alongside Ajay. The original film revolved around an ex-convict who decides to meet his daughter for the first time after being released from prison but gets caught in a face-off between police and the drug mafia.
Bholaa marks Ajay’s fourth directorial film after U, Me aur Hum in 2008, Shivaay in 2016, and Runway 34 in 2022. Tabu, Sanjay Mishra and Abhishek Bachchan are also a part of Bholaa. Bholaa Teaser: Ajay Devgn-Starrer Promises an Action-Packed Thriller in This Hindi Remake of Kaithi.