Bengaluru observed the least number of fatal road accidents in December 2022 when compared to the previous Decembers since 2018, said Bengaluru police. The state capital’s traffic wing also thanked the commuters for maintaining road discipline and helping the traffic police.
According to Bengaluru traffic police, a total of 53 fatal accidents were reported in Bengaluru in December last year. M.A Saleem, Special police commissioner(traffic) tweeted on Thursday, “The month of Dec-2022 witnessed least number of fatal accidents, when compared to corresponding December months since 2018.Totally 53 fatal accidents are reported in December-2022.BTP thanks all the road users for maintaining discipline on roads, our aim is Zero fatal accidents.”
Drunk and driving, driving in the wrong route, not wearing a proper helmet and over speeding are said to be the major causes of fatal accidents in the tech capital. The traffic cops had also conducted regular drunk and drive checks across the city in the last week of December.
In an announcement before the New Year celebrations, Bengaluru traffic police said that it is their responsibility to prevent deaths due to road accidents. A statement from the traffic police read, “Analysing the causes of the increasing number of fatal accidents in the city, there is a need to effectively curb this as the chances of accidents are significantly high due to drunk driving. Preventing accidents and maintaining the safety of road users is the basic duty of the traffic police and is our first priority. Hence, we are committed to prevent accidents in the city.”