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Bengaluru man laid off from Goldman Sachs month after promotion | Bengaluru


Amid thousands of layoffs at multinational investment company Goldman Sachs, a new instance has come to light wherein a Bengaluru man, who was the vice president of equities risk trading at the firm, was let go barely a month after being promoted. The US firm is cutting off 6.5 percent of its workforce, among which Manas Ranjan Panda is also one of the affected.

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Panda wrote about the lay off on LinkedIn and notified potential employers that he is now ‘open to work’. Saying that his lay off came barely a month after his promotion, he added that it has taken him some time to absorb the bad news. “It has taken me sometime to absorb the news as I was promoted just last month and made good profits for the firm in the last two years,” he posted.

Asking his connections for new job openings in investment banking and corporate strategy, he said, “I am now looking forward to my next opportunity and open to work/business.”

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This comes days after a 23-year-old IIT Kharagpur graduate from Bengaluru was also laid off from the investment giant six months after joining. The youth, Shubham Sahu, who had celebrated his 23rd birthday days before getting laid off, said it was his first job and losing it was a “different way to start a year”.

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