Bengaluru Mahalakshmi Murder Case: Prime Suspect Mukti Ranjan Roy Found Hanging From Tree in Odisha’s Bhadrak, His Diary Mentions Killing

Bhubaneswar, September 25: The Odisha police on Wednesday found a man, the key suspect in the brutal killing of a woman in Bengaluru, hanging from a tree in Bhadrak district, an officer said. The police also recovered a diary, believed to be belonging to the deceased man Mukti Ranjan Ray, in which he confessed to killing the woman whose dismembered body was found in the fridge of her house in the southern metropolis.

Bhadrak SP Varun Guntupalli said Ray (30), a resident of Bhuinpur Village under Dhusuri Police Station, was the prime suspect in the woman’s murder. He was allegedly on the run following the discovery of the body parts of Mahalakshmi, a 29-year-old woman. Bengaluru Mahalakshmi Murder Case: Prime Suspect Mukti Ranjan Roy Dies by Suicide in Odisha’s Bhadrak.

Earlier on the day, Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara had said the police have information about the presence of the suspect in Odisha, and teams formed to crack the case have been sent there to nab him. “We have recovered the body of Mukti Ranjan Ray hanging from a tree. The body was handed over to his family after conducting post-mortem examination,” Dhusuri Police Station IIC, Santanu Jena, said.

The SP said the police recovered a diary of Ray in which he confessed that he had dismembered the body of the Bengaluru woman to 59 pieces after killing her. He had returned to the village from Bengaluru after the murder. Asked whether the Karnataka police had contacted Bhadrak police, Jena said, “We had received a message, but no representative of the Karnataka police has reached here.” Bengaluru Chop Horror: Mahalakshmi’s Colleague Mukti ‘Main Suspect’, Didn’t Like Her Closeness to Another Man, Says Report.

The maggot-infested body of Mahalakshmi, chopped into several pieces and stuffed into the fridge, was found by her mother and elder sister at her Vyalikaval home on Saturday. The deceased woman’s estranged husband on Sunday expressed suspicion about the involvement of a man known to Mahalakshmi, who had been living alone, in her neighbourhood.

(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, Today News 24 Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)

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