For the second day straight day, most parts of Bengaluru have been inundated and people have been rescued to safer areas in the city. Many people were seen ferrying on tractors to different locations in the city and even pets are rescued from posh Marathahalli villas which are submerged in water. Edtech company Unacademy’s CEO Gaurav Munjal took to social media and said his family along with his pet were evacuated from his inundated house. “Family and my Pet Albus have been evacuated on a Tractor from our society that’s now submerged. Things are bad. Please take care. DM me if you need any help, I’ll try my best to help.(Sic)” Munjal tweeted.
Along with the houses, the flood water reached parking places in many gated communities at Yemalur area. The visuals of luxury vehicles getting submerged in water have also gone viral on social media.
Not just the IT belt of Karnataka’s capital but even the Bengaluru airport has also suffered due to the heavy rain. Many passengers who arrived at Bengaluru airport were seen taking tractors to reach the city as roads were completely flooded.
Meanwhile, no rain has been reported on Tuesday morning and moderate showers were received on Monday night at a few places in the city
Bengaluru: Girl electrocuted after she tried to cross waterlogged road, dies
In a tragic incident, a 23-year-old girl died due to electrocution in Bengaluru’s Whitefield Road on Monday. According to police, Akhila was working as an office administrator and she was on her way home when she died. Close to her home, the road was flooded with knee-deep water. Nearby residents and Akhila’s parents alleged that she died due to the negligence of BBMP and other civic authorities. However, they are yet to file a complaint.
Pak violates ceasefire along International Border in Jammu
The Pakistani Rangers violated ceasefire Tuesday morning as it targeted Border Security Force troops in unprovoked firing along the International Border in Jammu and Kashmir, an official said. The BSF gave a “befitting reply” to the firing in the Arnia sector of Jammu district, he said. The BSF Jammu public relations officer also said there was no casualty on the Indian side.
Delhi man who killed mom before suicide was depressed: 77-page suicide note
The 27-year-old Rohini resident who killed himself three days after killing his mother cited ‘depression’ and ‘unemployment’ in his 77-page suicide note, the police said. The man was thinking about taking his life for about two years, police claimed based on the suicide note. He admitted killing his mother and mentioned depression in the suicide note. He wrote that unemployment was another reason for which he took the decision, police said.
Neglected, Punjab Mahila Congress chief resigns
Upset over being neglected by the party leadership, Punjab Mahila Congress president Balvir Rani Sodhi has resigned from her post. Sodhi has sent her resignation to Congress interim president Sonia Gandhi, citing family circumstances as the reason for quitting. The Punjab Mahila Congress chief was reportedly upset over being “neglected” by the state leadership. Party leaders are learnt to have reached out to Sodhi to placate and convince her to withdraw her resignation.
Karnataka CM Basavaraj Bommai blames Congress for current Bengaluru mess
Karnataka chief minister Basavaraj Bommai on Tuesday blamed the “mal-administration” by the previous Congress government for the current mess in Bengaluru. He pinned the blame on Congress for giving permission of construction of (commercial) structures. This comment comes in the backdrop of the civic apathy in India’s IT capital that has left large portions of the city under water.