Mumbai: Ajay Devgn’s latest production, Azaad, has hit theatres, marking the Bollywood debut of Raveena Tandon’s daughter, Rasha Thadani, and Ajay’s nephew, Aaman Devgan. While critics are praising the film and the performances of the debutants, self-proclaimed critic Kamaal R. Khan (KRK) has once again stirred controversy by mocking Ajay Devgn’s stardom.
KRK, known for his controversial remarks, took to his X (formerly Twitter) account and shared a picture of an empty theatre, claiming he was watching Azaad alone. He wrote, “Now watching #Azaad all alone in the theatre. Kya Stardom Hai @ajaydevgn Bhai Aapka, Maan Gaye!”
KRK’s post is being widely criticised, with many accusing him of trying to gain attention by targeting Ajay Devgn. His history of creating unnecessary controversies has led to fans and industry insiders largely dismissing his comments.
Now watching Azaad all alone in the theatre. Kya Stardom Hai ajaydevgn Bhai Aapka, Maan Gaye pictwitter.comjJ07H4giLs
KRK kamaalrkhan January 17 2025
A fan responded to KRK’s post, saying, “How is the show running on a single ticket?”.
Despite KRK’s jibes, the industry has rallied behind Azaad and its debut stars. Rasha Thadani and Aaman Devgan have been receiving widespread praise for their performances, with many calling them promising newcomers. Salman Khan even invited the duo to promote the film on his show Bigg Boss 18, showing his support for the young actors.
While KRK’s post attempts to overshadow the film, Azaad has been steadily gaining positive word-of-mouth for its engaging narrative and the standout performances of its debutants. Critics and audiences alike are hailing Rasha’s expressive acting and Aaman’s promising presence.
Ajay Devgn, who has been a mentor and strong supporter of the project, remains focused on promoting the film and supporting the new talents. He has not responded to KRK’s remarks, reflecting his usual calm and dignified approach to such controversies.