24 x 7 World News

Australia records 50C temperature swing in just hours


Australia’s south-east has woken to an unusually chilly November morning as a strong “polar vortex” stretches up from Antarctica.

It was 10.2C in Sydney shortly after 5am today, while in Melbourne it was slightly lower at just 9.7C.

In the national capital it was just 3.9C, and in Hobart 8.5C.

Australia recorded a temperature range of 50C in just a few hours. (Weatherzone)

Adelaide at the same time was 9.4C.

Temperatures will rise throughout the day, but hardly to summery heights.

Sydney is set to reach a top of 20C, Melbourne 17C.

Adelaide will reach 23C, Canberra 18C.

The Bureau of Meteorology said the chill across the national south-east was from a complex low pressure system in the Tasman Sea.

Australia’s south-east has woken to an unusually chilly November morning as a strong “polar vortex” stretches up from Antarctica. (Weatherzone)

It is generating a cold southerly airstream over the south-east, along with widespread low clouds.

It comes the day after Australia recorded a massive 50C temperature swing in just hours throughout the country.

At 2.40pm AWST (5.40pm AEDT) on Tuesday, Fitzroy Crossing in northern Western Australia recorded a 43C high.

Hail storm sweeps Sydney (Nine / Supplied)

And at 4.42am AEDT on Wednesday, Mt Hotham in Victoria registered a freezing -7C.

Mt Hotham, in fact, hit its coldest November day on record.

Weatherzone, who reported the massive temperature swing nationwide, said “dynamic” weather wasn’t uncommon in Australia at this time of year.

It said the national differences were due to “stifling hot air masses building up over the tropics and regular pulses of much colder air sweeping over southern Australia”.

November 16

Picture from flooded NSW town ‘says it all’

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