Are you easily sexually aroused by pornography? Study reveals how it negatively impacts your real relationships
A new study found a negative correlation between pornography-induced arousal and relationship satisfaction. The study found that individuals who experience high levels of arousal from pornography tend to experience declines in relationship satisfaction and stability. The details of the study, which was originally published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior in August 2024, were reported on March 23 by Also read | Physically stronger men have more sexual partners and so do stronger women, study shows
The study from Australia highlights how individuals who are easily sexually aroused by pornography may experience decreased sexual satisfaction, relationship quality, and stability. This suggests a potential negative impact of pornography on romantic relationships.
Sexual arousal plays an important role in the functioning and stability of romantic relationships. According to the findings, individuals with higher levels of pornography-induced arousal were more likely to experience declines in relationship stability over time.
Why these findings matter
The study identified several mediating factors, including:
⦿ Intimacy avoidance: Individuals with high levels of pornography-induced arousal may avoid intimacy with their partner.
⦿ Partner dissatisfaction: Partners of individuals with high levels of pornography-induced arousal may experience dissatisfaction with the relationship.
⦿ Conflict and communication: Poor communication and conflict resolution skills may contribute to declines in relationship satisfaction and stability.
More about the study
The study’s authors sought to explore the association between pornography use and the stability and quality of romantic relationships, as well as sexual satisfaction. They hypothesised that individuals who are sexually aroused by their romantic partners would experience improvements in relationship quality over time. However, they were uncertain whether arousal to pornography would be linked to improvements or declines in relationship quality and sought to investigate this further.
The study included 309 participants, aged between 18 and 72, who reported being in a romantic relationship for at least six months – 67 percent identified as heterosexual, and 25 percent as bisexual. On average, participants had been with their current partner for seven years – 9 percent reported being in a non-monogamous relationship, and 71 percent had no children.
Results showed that participants who reported higher levels of arousal toward their romantic partner tended to have better relationship quality, greater stability, and higher sexual satisfaction. In contrast, individuals who reported greater arousal to pornography in the initial survey were more likely to report lower relationship stability and reduced sexual satisfaction two months later. They also tended to use pornography more frequently.
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