Apartment complex in Sydney plagued by serial balcony vomiter

Residents of unit complex in a Sydney inner-city suburb say they’re at their wits end with one occupant who continually vomits off their balcony, directly onto unsuspecting neighbours below.

People living in the complex in Redfern, three kilometres from the CBD, say a neighbour who lives on an upper floor throws up over the side of the balcony so frequently that it’s now become a serious issue.

Clothes and furniture below have been doused on more than one occasion, which has prompted fierce calls from neighbours for the perpetrator to stop the revolting act.

Clothes and furniture below have been doused on more than one occasion. (Reddit)
“Why is it so hard for whoever is vomiting over the side of their balcony and causing your vomit to land on the balconies, furniture, drying clothes etc of everyone else below you to simply not do it?” one note posted to a common area of the building read, according to The Daily Telegraph.

“If you seem to have this uncontrollable urge to vomit whenever you are on your balcony maybe you should keep a bucket on your balcony so you can vomit into that instead?

“Maybe we should all send our balcony cleaning bills to you?”

Another note posted inside the same complex also lashed the feral behaviour.

According to reports, the incidents occurred multiple times over the space of eight months. (Reddit)

“To the disgusting person who keeps on vomiting over the edge of their balcony, stop doing it,” the infuriated resident wrote.

“Your neighbours don’t appreciate cleaning your vomit off our balconies, outdoor furniture, our clothes we are drying outside, or ourselves if we’re outside trying to enjoy using our balcony when you decide to vomit over the edge.”

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According to reports, the incidents occurred multiple times over the space of eight months.

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