We can’t help but obsess over Anushka Sharma’s sartorial elegance as the diva is blessed with pulling off not just red carpet looks but also street styles and maternity fashion with equal panache and as she gives a tour of Ageas Bowl in Southampton, with her husband Virat Kohli, the fashion police is in for a treat. Recently, the Bollywood actor took the Internet by storm as she shared a slew of her monochromic pictures, slaying the millennial look in Balenciaga shirt that is worth a flight ticket to London.
Taking to her social media handle, Anushka shared the glam pictures that gave fans a glimpse of her life in Southampton, England, which is the venue for cricket World Test Championship (WTC) finals which are slated to take place on June 18 at Ageas Bowl. The recent set of monochromic pictures featured the diva looking chic, effortless and fun as she flaunted a comfy silhouette in Balenciaga’s striped oversized shirt that came with tied-up collar, ill-fitted sleeves and featured the brand’s graphic logo on the back.
Teaming it with a pair of baggy mom jeans, Anushka accessorised her look with a pair of hoop earrings and the fashion accessory of the year – a face mask. Completing her attire with a pair of spotless white sneakers, Anushka pulled back her hair into a bun as and opted for a no makeup look.
She captioned the pictures, “A ‘take random photos and think of a quirky caption’ kind of post (sic)” and fans were quick to empty their stash of love in the comments section. Needless to say, the pictures grabbed over 1.5 million likes while still going strong.
The oversized shirt is credited to Spanish fashion house, Balenciaga, which boasts of couture pieces that evoke a feeling of luxury. Balenciaga’s striped shirt originally costs a whopping ₹83, 672.