Mumbai: Bollywood celebs poured in warm birthday wishes for Malaika Arora on Sunday. Taking to her Instagram story, Ananya Panday dropped a picture with the birthday girl from their party nights. Sharing the picture, she wrote, “The hottest and coolest, and you make it all look so easy. Happy birthday Malla!!! Love you.”
Sonam Kapoor re-shared the Arjun Kapoor`s post that she captioned, “Happy happy birthday darling. You`re a beautiful soul..all my love.”
Actor Dia Mirza posted a solo picture along with a caption, My Dearest Malla, keep shining brightest. Love love and more love.”
Filmmaker Rhea Kapoor also extended the wishes. She wrote, “Happy birthday to this happy positive force.”
Actor Sophie Choudry dropped a picture featuring Malaika from their dance rehearsals. Sharing the picture, she wrote, “Happy bday you stunning, inspiring, woman & bestest beighbour! Happiness, Love, Health always! Tons of love.”
Kareena also took to her Instagram Stories and shared a couple of pictures with funny captions.
Earlier, Malaika`s boyfriend and actor Arjun Kapoor also extended a warm birthday wish to his lady love by sharing a picture. He captioned, “The Yin to my Yang Happy Birthday Baby Just be You, be happy, be mine….” Karisma Kapoor also extended heartfelt birthday wish to `Malla`. She dropped a boomerang video, which is captioned, “Happy birthday Malla, To many more fun times.”
Meanwhile, Malaika, after glamorizing the film industry with her sexy moves, is all set to become an author. She will soon write her debut book which is going to be all about nutrition. The actor, who also serves as a judge on the reality show `India`s Best Dancer`, will be sharing her wellness tips in the book.