Bollywood actor Ananya Panday shared some really hot pictures on her social media account on Friday, indeed turning everyone head over heels. The Gehraiyaan actor took to her Instagram handle and shared a set of snaps wherein she can be seen donning an off-white coloured co-ord set and she looked really stunning. Ananya Panday Goes Sultry in Black Feather Dress, Rocks High Braid With Elegance (View Pics).
Sharing the pictures, Ananya wrote, “bau garmi chhe “. Fans and admirers swamped the comment area with fire and heart emoticons, and one social media user also wrote, “Gorgeous” Ananya’s friends and star kids Suhana Khan and Shanaya Kapoor, who will be soon making their Bollywood debuts, also commented, “Amazing” and “Wow” respectively. Ananya Panday Just Blew Our Minds With Her Cutout White Fashion; Suhana Khan Calls It тАШPerfectтАЩ (View Pics).
Check Out The Instagram Post Below:
Meanwhile, on the work front, Ananya Panday will next be featured in Kho Gaye Hum Kahaan, starring Siddhant Chaturvedi and Adarsh Gourav, and Liger, alongside Vijay Deverakonda will be her first pan-India picture.
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