Amitabh Bachchan turned a year older on Tuesday. While many people wished the ‘Shahenshah’ on social media, the most special one came from the ‘Baadshah’ of Bollywood. Shah Rukh Khan took to Instagram to write a special message for Big B. He wrote, “One thing to learn from this great man, actor, superstar, father, and superhuman is to never back away….instead learn….level up and launch again and again….forever. May you always be healthy and entertain our grandchildren also. Love you sir @amitabhbachchan.” Amitabh Bachchan Birthday Special: 7 Inspiring Quotes by the Legendary Star as He Turns 80!
Shah Rukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan are not just good family friends, they have shared the screen in many films and have a great bond. Earlier, South Superstar Rajinikanth took to Twitter to wish Big B. He wrote, “The legend.. someone who has inspired me always… the one true sensation and superhero of our glorious Indian film fraternity enters 80”
“.. happy birthday my dearest and most respected @SrBachchan Amitabh ji .. with lots of love and best regards always.” Big B began his career with the film Saat Hindustani in 1969. He later appeared as Dr Bhaskar Banerjee in Hrishikesh Mukherjee’s Anand (1971), for which he won the Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actor. Amitabh Bachchan Turns 80: Fans Celebrate Big B’s Birthday Outside His Bungalow Jalsa With Pomp and Splendor.
Shah Rukh Khan’s Tweet
One thing to learn from this great man, actor, superstar, father and superhuman is to never back away….instead learn….level up and launch again and again….forever. May you always be healthy and entertain our grand children also. Love you sir
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) October 11, 2022
Rajinikanth’s Tweet
The legend.. someone who has inspired me always… the one true sensation and superhero of our glorious Indian film fraternity enters 80 .. happy birthday my dearest and most respected @SrBachchan Amitabh ji .. with lots of love and best regards always ❤️??
— Rajinikanth (@rajinikanth) October 11, 2022
Prakash Mehra’s action film Zanjeer (1973) established Bachchan as a star to look out for in the industry and since then, he has enthralled audiences with versatile roles. As the megastar turned a year older on Tuesday, many fans queued up outside his Mumbai house to catch a glimpse of Bollywood’s Shahenshah.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Amitabh Bachchan was last seen in ‘Goodbye,’ which is currently running in theatres. In the upcoming months, he will also be seen in The Intern remake with Deepika Padukone and Project K. He also has Uunchai in his kitty.