Noted South Indian actor Amala Paul has filed a case of cheating and threatening against her estranged friend, Bhavninder Singh Dhatt for allegedly cheating her. The actor in her complaint lodged with the Villupuram police said that she was cheated in a business deal and Dhatt was threatening her that he would upload their photographs on social media sites. Amala Paul-Bhavinder Singh’s Marriage In Trouble? Actress’ Latest Instagram Posts Hint So! (View Pics).
Police arrested Singh on the complaint of the actor. The Villupuram police told IANS that the actor and Dhatt had started a film production company in 2018 and had shifted to Periyamudaliyar Chavadi near Auroville in the district.
The actress had invested heavily in the production company and had produced her latest movie, Cadaver.
Police officials said that Dhatt had manufactured forged documents and removed Amala Paul as a director of the production company. After the police received the complaint, they filed various cases against him including forgery, cheating, intimidation and harassment, and arrested him. Senior police officers said that they are questioning him.
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Sep 01, 2022 02:02 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website