In a surprising twist, actor Allu Arjun has been arrested by the Telangana police for his alleged involvement in the Sandhya Theatre stampede in Hyderabad, which tragically claimed the life of a woman. Following his arrest, the trial court remanded the Pushpa 2 superstar to 14 days in custody. However, his lawyer fought for bail in the Telangana High Court, which has now been granted. Interestingly, Shah Rukh Khan’s name surfaced during the defence arguments, as did the 2017 Vadodara stampede incident, where Shah Rukh was accused of being liable for a man’s death. Allu Arjun Granted Interim Bail by Telangana Hight Court in ‘Pushpa 2’ Premiere Stampede and Death Case.
The Vadodara incident occurred in January 2017, during a promotional train journey for Shah Rukh Khan’s film Raees, directed by Rahul Dholakia. When the train reached Vadodara station, an estimated crowd of 1,500 people had gathered. A stampede ensued, leading to the death of a man and injuries to several others. According to a complaint filed against Shah Rukh Khan, he was allegedly responsible for the stampede as he had thrown T-shirts and smiley balls into the crowd, which reportedly triggered the chaos.
While the Gujarat High Court quashed the complaint following Shah Rukh Khan’s application, the case made its way to the Supreme Court. In September 2022, the SC rejected the plea challenging the High Court’s decision, providing Shah Rukh Khan relief from any legal implications in the incident.
How Shah Rukh Khan Incident Was Mentioned in Allu Arjun Bail Hearing
During the hearings for Allu Arjun’s bail application in Telangana, his lawyer referenced this incident and its judgement to strengthen their defence. Allu Arjun has been charged under Section 105 (culpable homicide not amounting to murder) and Section 118(1) (causing hurt) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita. The defence highlighted that Shah Rukh Khan was deemed not liable for the stampede, even though he directly interacted with the crowd by throwing items, which were alleged to have caused the chaos. In contrast, they argued, Allu Arjun did not engage with the crowd during the Sandhya Theatre incident. BJP Leader Bandi Sanjay Kumar Criticises Congress Government for ‘Wrong’ Arrest of National Award-Winning Actor Allu Arjun, Calls It ‘Disgraceful and Mismanaged’.
#AlluArjun‘s counsel recalls incident when #ShahrukhKhan was on a train journey to promote his film Rayeez. He threw clothes at the station, which lead to a stampede. Case was filed, Court held SRK was not criminally liable.#AlluArjunArrested #Pushpa2📷📷
— Live Law (@LiveLawIndia) December 13, 2024
SRK Not Held Liable
#AlluArjun‘s counsel: Actor was coming, everybody knew, the Police knew. Here the actor was not even proactively doing anything whereas in SRK’s case, the actor threw balls, crowds jumped to grab them.#AlluArjunArrested #Pushpa2📷📷
— Live Law (@LiveLawIndia) December 13, 2024
The tragic Sandhya Theatre stampede occurred on December 4, 2024, during a preview screening of Pushpa 2: The Rule in Hyderabad. According to police accounts, Allu Arjun and his team attended the screening, and his security personnel allegedly pushed the crowd, leading to the stampede. The incident resulted in the death of a woman and left her son critically injured. The defence’s argument drew parallels with Shah Rukh Khan’s case to assert that Allu Arjun’s actions did not directly cause the stampede, thereby challenging the charges against him.
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Dec 13, 2024 06:14 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website