Congress candidate Jai Prakash and Indian National Lok Dal’s Kurdaram Nambardar Friday filed their nomination papers for the November 3 bypoll to the Adampur Assembly constituency. Friday was the last date for the filing of the papers.
Former Union minister Jai Prakash, a three-time MP and two-time MLA, was accompanied by senior Congress leader Bhupinder Singh Hooda and state party chief Udai Bhan while Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) president O P Chautala and senior party leader Abhay Singh Chautala were present at the time of filing of papers by Kurdaram.
Prior to filing the papers, the two candidates took out rallies in a show of strength. Claiming that the Congress candidate will win the contest, Hooda and Bhan told reporters that Adampur has been a party stronghold. People of the state are upset due to wrong policies of the BJP and they will teach them a lesson in the bypolls, they claimed.
On the other hand, Abhay Chautala said people of Adampur are looking for a change. His father and party supremo Om Prakash Chautala, addressing a gathering of supporters who had accompanied Kurdaram, said, “Only slogans would not be of any help. Let us all join hands and ensure that our candidate wins Adampur”.
The BJP has fielded Bhavya Bishnoi, who recently quit the Congress and joined the outfit along with his father Kuldeep Bishnoi, while AAP has fielded Satender Singh for the bypoll. The byelection was necessitated after Kuldeep Bishnoi resigned as MLA from the seat in August and later joined the BJP.
After scrutiny on October 15, nominations can be withdrawn till October 17. The voting will be held from 7 am to 6 pm on November 3 and the counting will take place on November 6.
There are approximately 1.7 lakh eligible electors in Adampur, out of which 91,000 are males and 89,000 females. There will be 180 polling booths of which 36 have been declared sensitive and 39 hyper-sensitive. At least 19 flying-squad teams have been constituted for fair polling.