The Karnataka government on Wednesday said it has decided to withdraw a controversial circular issued by a pre-university education department a day earlier that required colleges in Bengaluru rural district to bring students to attend Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s public events on November 11.
Karnataka education minister BC Nagesh said the order was issued by an official and that it has been withdrawn. “It was a mistake done by the DDPI (deputy director of public instruction) and we have initiated action against the official,” Nagesh added.
A brief order issued by the department said: “The circular issued by the department on November 8 stands withdrawn”.
In the now-withdrawn circular of November 8, 2022, instructed principals of all the colleges to send the stipulated number of students to the event.
“As per the proceedings of the preparatory meeting held on November 2, the principals of all government, aided and unaided colleges in Bengaluru Rural District, along with the nodal officers for buses, are directed to safely bring the stipulated number of students to the event and take them back,” the circular said.
It warned principals that they will be “held responsible for what happens next” if they fail to bring students to the event.
Karnataka Congress leaders had taken swipes at the government for forcing colleges to send students, wondering if the government was worried that there won’t be enough people for PM Modi’s events.
“Why does the BJP require students to miss classes and attend Modi’s programme? Isn’t this exploitation of children for political ends?” Karnataka Congress spokesperson Lavanya Ballal tweeted.
PM Modi is scheduled to visit Bengaluru to inaugurate Terminal 2 of the Kempegowda International Airport and unveil a 108-foot-tall bronze statue of Kempegowda. The prime minister will also launch several developmental projects, including flagging off the Vande Bharat (Chennai-Mysuru-Bengaluru) train from SBC railway station.
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) said the government appeared to be concerned about the participation of people because of a “lacklustre response” during his previous visits.