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Hopes fade for missing submarine with 53 on board as oxygen deadline passes – World News


Hopes of saving 53 crew members trapped on board a missing Indonesian submarine are fading as its oxygen supply is understood to have run out.

Search helicopters, military aircrafts and warships from across the world have been deployed to hunt down the navy ship KRI Nanggala-402.

The German-built vessel disappeared off the coast of Bali on Wednesday when it was conducting a drill, but failed to report back and contact was lost.

Authorities have said the crew had enough air to last them three days after losing power, but that deadline passed early on Saturday morning.

“So far we haven’t found it… but with the equipment available we should be able to find the location,” Achmad Riad, a spokesman for the Indonesian military, told a news conference.

Indonesia’s navy is investigating whether the submarine lost power during the dive and was unable to carry out emergency procedures, leaving it plunge 600-700 metres – well beyond survivable limits.

KRI Nanggala 402 docking at the naval base in Surabaya before its disappearance
KRI Nanggala 402 docking at the naval base in Surabaya before its disappearance

Indonesian Navy personnel are continuing search and rescue missions off the coast of Bali
Indonesian Navy personnel are continuing search and rescue missions off the coast of Bali

India, Malaysia, Singapore and the US have sent specialised ships and aircraft in response to Indonesian requests for help with the search. France and Germany have also offered assistance.

Australia has also dispatched a sonar-equipped warship with a helicopter to help the submarine hunt amid fears that the submarine might have been crushed by water pressure.

An aerial search earlier found an oil spill near where the submarine dived which could point to fuel tank damage, or could also be a signal from the crew.

Singapore Navy's MV Swift Rescue has been sent in to help hunt the missing vessel
Singapore Navy’s MV Swift Rescue has been sent in to help hunt the missing vessel

The submarine has been missing for three days as Indonesian search operations ramp up with aid from other countries
The submarine has been missing for three days as Indonesian search operations ramp up with aid from other countries

An object with “high magnetic force” had been spotted “floating” in the sea at a depth of 50-100 metres, Indonesian Navy Chief of Staff Yudo Margono said on Friday.

The diesel electric-powered vessel could withstand depths of 500 metres, but anything further would prove deadly. The Bali Sea can reach depths of more than 1,500 metres.

The Pentagon said on Friday US defence secretary Lloyd Austin had spoken with his Indonesian counterpart Prabowo Subianto and offered extra support, which could include undersea search assets.

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