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Taliban ‘murdering innocent children’ as ex Afghan minister shares horrifying pictures – World News


WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES: Claims have surfaced that Taliban are killing children as they rampage across Afghanistan. They come after reports that militants were ordered to round up girls and women across the country

The Taliban are reportedly killing innocent children
The Taliban are reportedly killing innocent children

The Taliban are killing innocent children as they brutally snatch power in Afghanistan, the country’s former interior minister has claimed.

Masoud Andarabi, who was let go from his role in March, posted shocking and sickening pictures on Twitter on people, including children, who had reportedly been killed by the Taliban.

Andarabi claimed the Taliban “are trying to rule over people by terrorising, killing young children and elderly citizens” and added that the Taliban “cannot govern the nation” using terror methods.

The Taliban took control of Kabul last week after rampaging across the country.

Troops are now embarking on a rescue mission to save thousands of people, however, the Taliban says NATO troops must withdraw by August 31.

A former minister has told how the Taliban are rounding up and killing families, including children, across Afghanistan


Twitter/ @andarabi)

Ex-Afghan soldiers, many who have been trained by western troops, have joined forced with local militia from a base north east of Kabul. The group is fighting under The National Resistance Front of Afghanistan.

In his tweet, Andarabi said: “In Andarab, Taliban have been carrying out unwarranted searches of homes, capturing people without reason or justification and killing innocent citizens.

“As a result, people have had to rise against their brutality to protect their lives, honour, dignity and property.”

The photographs came after reports last week that Islamist militants were stalking cities across Afghanistan for women and girls, the Daily Mail reports.

The Taliban took control of the contry’s capital, Kabul, last week after rampaging its way across the country


Twitter/ @andarabi)

Jihadist commanders were reportedly ordering imams in areas they have captured to bring them lists of unmarried women and girls aged from 12 to 45 for their soldiers to marry because they view them as “spoils of war” to be divided up among the victors.

Andarabi also warned in an interview with India Today that the resistance to the Taliban’s rule would not go away.

He said: “I think there will be backs and pushes and resistance.

Masoud Andarabi said he will defend Panjshit ‘as the last bastion of Afghan freedom’



“It shows that if the Taliban do not adjust to today’s Afghanistan, these pocked resistances will keep popping up. The resistance will continue in any form across the country.”

He added that if the Taliban want people to support their rule they should form an elected government and not an undemocratic “emirate.”

Andarabi was sacked by the former president Ashraf Ghani in March after he reportedly failed to arrest a militia commander whose forced had shot down a helicopter, killing nine members of security forces.

Militants have reportedly been ordered to round up girls and women from Afghan cities


Twitter/ @andarabi)

The Taliban claimed earlier this week that they had retaken three districts north of Kabul capital seized the day before and had surrounded Panjshit, the last province that remains out of their control.

They said they were negotiating with rival forces to secure the areas, but the head of foreign relations for the NLF, Ali Maisam Nazary tweeted “no one is going to surrender the Panjshir and @AhmedMassoud01 will defend the valley with all he has.”

His statement was released after Massoud wrote in the Washington Post: “No matter what happens, my mujahideen fighters and I will defend Panjshir as the last bastion of Afghan freedom.”

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