Lightly salted surface waters
Hydraulic fracturing uses a water-based mixture to open up tight oil and gas formations. The process is mostly contained, but concerns remain about the potential for surface water contamination. Bonetti et al. found a small increase in certain ions associated with hydraulic fracturing across several locations in the United States (see the Perspective by Hill and Ma). These small increases appeared 90 to 180 days after new wells were put in and suggest some surface water contamination. The magnitude appears small but may require that more attention be paid to monitoring near-well surface waters.
Science, aaz2185, this issue p. 896; see also abk3433, p. 853
The impact of unconventional oil and gas development on water quality is a major environmental concern. We built a large geocoded database that combines surface water measurements with horizontally drilled wells stimulated by hydraulic fracturing (HF) for several shales to examine whether temporal and spatial well variation is associated with anomalous salt concentrations in United States watersheds. We analyzed four ions that could indicate water impact from unconventional development. We found very small concentration increases associated with new HF wells for barium, chloride, and strontium but not bromide. All ions showed larger, but still small-in-magnitude, increases 91 to 180 days after well spudding. Our estimates were most pronounced for wells with larger amounts of produced water, wells located over high-salinity formations, and wells closer and likely upstream from water monitors.
The rise of shale gas and tight oil development has triggered a major public debate about such unconventional development, in which horizontal drilling is combined with hydraulic fracturing (HF). HF is the high-pressure injection of water mixed with chemical additives and propping agents such as sand to create fractures in low-permeability formations, allowing oil or gas to flow. Additives in the HF fluids vary with the geological characteristics of the formation and by operator, but the fluid mix usually contains friction reducers, surfactants, scale inhibitors, biocides, gelling agents, gel breakers, and inorganic acid (1, 2). HF wells produce large amounts of wastewater, which initially consists of flowback of HF fluids but over time increasingly consists of produced water from deep formations. The latter brine is naturally occurring water, into which organic and inorganic constituents from the formation have dissolved, resulting in high salt concentrations (1, 3–5).
Although unconventional oil and gas (O&G) development has been important for energy production (6), we do not fully understand the associated environmental and social risks (7–11). These risks include hydrocarbon emissions, water usage, and pollution, along with potential human and ecological health consequences (7, 10, 12–16). Among these, the impact of unconventional O&G development and HF on water quality remains a key concern (2, 8, 9, 17–20). In the US, one reason for this concern is that HF is exempt from the Underground Injection Control provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act (8). Around the world, unconventional drilling has either just been introduced, or is being considered, by many countries, with uncertain effects on water quality (16).
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reviewed and synthetized scientific evidence concerning the impact of HF on US water resources. The final report concluded that HF activities can affect drinking water resources under some circumstances (17), but the report did not identify widespread evidence of contamination. Groundwater studies primarily examine contamination from stray gas or deep formation brines, which could occur because of cementing or casing failures or because of brine migration to shallow aquifers through faults or other preexisting pathways (2, 21, 22). Instances of stray gas contamination have been found in Pennsylvania in connection with shale gas development of the Marcellus Shale (23–29) but not in Arkansas for the Fayetteville Shale (30). Geochemical evidence of gas contamination has also been documented for the Barnett Shale in Texas (24) and the Denver-Julesburg basin in Colorado (31). Studies of brine migration from deep formations, mostly in northeastern Pennsylvania, have provided mixed evidence (23, 32, 33). No evidence of brine contamination of groundwater has been documented for the Fayetteville Shale (30). For Pennsylvania, increases in shale gas–related contaminants have been documented at groundwater intake locations of community water systems that are in close proximity to shale gas wells (18).
For surface water, the evidence is more limited. Instances of contamination have been ascribed primarily to discharges of inadequately treated wastewater, HF fluid leaks, and spills and other mishandling of flowback and produced waters (2, 4, 8, 17, 20, 34, 35). Specifically, increased chloride and bromide concentrations downstream of effluents from wastewater treatment plants have been found in western Pennsylvania up to 2011, when the release of wastewaters from unconventional wells into streams through municipal wastewater treatment plants was not prohibited (2, 4, 36). Further, a high frequency of brine spills in North Dakota has resulted in elevated levels of salts and other contaminants in surface waters up to 4 years after the spills occurred (37). A large-sample statistical examination of the effects of shale gas development activities on surface water in Pennsylvania found higher chloride concentrations downstream of wastewater treatment facilities and an association between gas well density in a watershed and increased total suspended solid (but not chloride) concentrations during the period 2000–2011 (38). The authors of this study suggest that both insufficient wastewater treatment and building infrastructure for unconventional O&G extraction could explain the results. Evidence also exists for barium concentrations in Pennsylvania being higher in areas with unconventional wells than in areas without them, but the authors of this study point out that this evidence cannot be solely ascribed to unconventional wells, as it could also reflect the presence of basin brines or a sulfate decrease in acid rains (39). In sum, prior studies document localized instances of surface water contamination related to unconventional O&G development, with spills and leaks being the most common pathway (20).
We investigated the potential impact of unconventional O&G development on surface water quality using a large-sample statistical approach. We combined a geocoded database of 46,479 HF wells from 24 shales with 60,783 surface water measurements over 11 years (2006–2016) across 408 watersheds (HUC10s; HUC, hydrologic unit code) with HF activity (Fig. 1, fig. S2, and tables S1 to S3). Our analysis focuses on concentrations of bromide (Br−), chloride (Cl−), barium (Ba), and strontium (Sr) in watersheds exposed to unconventional O&G development. We chose these four ions for the following reasons. First, they are usually found in high concentrations in flowback and produced water from HF wells and hence could indicate surface water impact, if and when it exists (1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 20, 27, 33, 36, 39, 40). Moreover, unlike some organic components of HF fluids, these four ions do not experience biodegradation, and their presence has been measured several years after HF spill events (20, 37). Thus, an analysis of ions is a likely mode of detection (2, 4). Second, many of the water quality concerns associated with HF wastewaters are related to the chemistry of the deep formation brines as well as the salinity in flowback and produced water (8). Third, the four ions are measured in many watersheds with reasonable frequency, which is not the case for other potential signatures of HF wastewater. As high salt concentrations can also occur in surface waters for many natural and anthropogenic reasons, such as brine migration or road deicing (2, 4, 33, 39), sufficient data is needed to estimate reliable, local, and time-varying baselines for the background ion concentrations.
Location of sample watersheds (HUC10s) with unconventional O&G development (shaded in ocher) and, superimposed, the distribution of HF wells (red triangles). Data on the location of wells come from WellDatabase, Enverus, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation of Natural Resources. Thin black lines outline HUC10 boundaries; thick black lines depict state boundaries. Maps with a close-up of the main US shales and location of water quality monitoring stations are shown in fig. S2.
We construct these baselines with regression analysis and then exploit temporal and spatial variation in the spudding of HF wells within and across US watersheds to identify anomalous changes in ion concentrations associated with newly spudded HF wells in the same watersheds. Our regression model includes temperature and precipitation control variables as well as an extensive set of fixed effects that construct local and time-varying baselines for background ion concentrations (41, 42). Specifically, our model allows for arbitrary monthly variation in the average background ion concentrations across subbasins (HUC8) and within a given subbasin over time. This flexible regional baseline controls for subbasin differences in water quality, geochemistry, salinity, climate, water body types, or economic activity and also for over-time changes in subbasin concentrations due to seasons, weather patterns and related road deicing, salinization trends, or economic development. Our model also has a local baseline, using each water monitoring station as its own control, which accounts for arbitrary differences in average local ion concentrations. Our model combines these two baselines and the weather control variables to estimate the association between anomalous concentration changes and new HF wells in the same watersheds (42).
Our model explains >80% (in many cases, >90%) of the variation in ion concentrations across watersheds and through time (table S4), suggesting that the model estimates precise baselines for background ion concentrations. We estimated the association between newly spudded HF wells and ion concentrations at the watershed level using a variable that counts the number of HF wells in a watershed at a given point in time (#wellsHUC10). We estimated our regression model for all US watersheds with HF wells and then separately for Pennsylvania, because Pennsylvania accounts for almost 41% of the sample. We found a robust association between new HF wells in a watershed and elevated ion concentrations in its surface waters (Fig. 2 and table S4). For watersheds in Pennsylvania (PA), the coefficients on #wellsHUC10 are positive for all ions and significant for three of them (table S4, column 2, HUC8 model; Br−: 0.00019, P = 0.865; Cl−: 0.00071, P = 0.031; Ba: 0.00038, P = 0.086; Sr: 0.00041, P < 0.001). The lack of significance for Br− could reflect measurement issues (42). For watersheds throughout the US (ALL), the coefficients on #wellsHUC10 are generally comparable to those for Pennsylvania in terms of magnitude and significance, except for Ba, which is rarely measured outside of Pennsylvania and for which results are weaker (Fig. 2).
Ordinary least squares (OLS) coefficients and confidence intervals plotted for the associations between ion concentrations and cumulative HF well counts (#wellsHUC10), estimated using eq. S1 and two different model specifications, HUC4 and HUC8 (table S4). We report results for treated watersheds (HUC10s) in Pennsylvania (PA) and for all treated US watersheds (ALL). The last two columns [HUC10 Impact (μg/liter)] report the cumulative impact in the average watershed implied by the coefficient estimates, obtained by multiplying the respective coefficient with the sample mean ion concentration and the cumulative number of wells (Cum. # Wells) in the average HUC10 over the sample period. Bold impact numbers are based on significant coefficients. The EPA maximum contaminant level (MCL) is 250,000 μg/liter for Cl− and 2000 μg/liter for Ba. The EPA does not provide a MCL for Br− or Sr. Health advisory levels for 1-day and lifetime exposure to Sr are 25,000 μg/liter and 4000 μg/liter, respectively.
To gauge the magnitude of the estimated effects, we multiply each coefficient by the respective sample mean ion concentration and the average number of wells per watershed to obtain the ion concentration increase in the average HUC10 implied by our estimation (HUC10 impact in Fig. 2). With this approach, and focusing on coefficients from the HUC8 specification, we estimated an average increase of Cl− by 1322.44 μg/liter for PA and 2232.55 μg/liter for ALL; Ba by 1.61 μg/liter for PA; and Sr by 5.19 μg/liter for PA and 8.88 μg/liter for ALL (Fig. 2). These magnitudes are very small but need to be interpreted in the context of our analysis. First, the #wellsHUC10 coefficient is by construction a per-well estimate, but this does not imply that each well is associated with a concentration increase, rather it is an average over all wells. Second, by using measurements from all monitors in a given watershed, the estimated well–ion association reflects the average exposure of monitors in the watershed. However, some monitors could be very far away or upstream from wells, in which case they should not be exposed or affected, thus lowering the average. For these reasons, the impact estimates in Fig. 2 are expected to be small; they should increase when the analysis focuses on the most relevant water measurements, as reported below.
We found robust results in different sensitivity analyses (table S5). (i) Estimating separate #wellsHUC10 coefficients for watersheds in and outside of Pennsylvania shows that the findings for Pennsylvania and the other US states are similar. (ii) Estimating separate effects for different time periods shows similar results over time. The coefficients in later periods tend to be smaller but higher in significance, presumably because the frequency of water measurements increases over time. (iii) Our results are similar when the model is estimated over all watersheds within a subregion (including those without HF wells), albeit in some cases slightly weaker, possibly because this specification uses less relevant baselines for the background ion concentrations. (iv) Adding further controls for snow (to account for related discharge of road salts) or for within-watershed seasonality does not alter the findings, suggesting that the monthly subbasin baselines already control for local weather patterns. (v) Our results are also robust to alternative modeling choices, for example, scaling the cumulative number of wells by watershed size, as in (38); estimating the model with weighted least squares (WLS) to give more weight to observations, for which we have more readings to estimate the monthly subbasin baselines; and using alternative transformations to address skewness in ion concentrations.
We also investigated whether the results could be driven by HF-related patterns in the frequency of water monitoring (e.g., more measurements shortly after spud dates or closer to wells). However, we found no evidence that water measurement is systematically related to new wells in a watershed (table S6). We analyzed three other water quality proxies (dissolved oxygen, phosphorus, and fecal coliforms) that are frequently measured but not as indicative of HF-related impacts. Concentration levels of these proxies could be related to other economic activities with water impacts, such as agriculture (43). We used this analysis to gauge how well our model controls for economic activity and other potential confounds. The estimated #wellsHUC10 coefficients for the three analytes are not different from zero (table S7), which contrasts with the results for the ion concentrations we chose for the main analysis (table S4).
Up to this point, our analysis estimated the long-run association between HF wells and ion concentrations, because we did not restrict the sample and the estimation to a particular period after well spudding. However, concentration increases could be stronger early on and fade over time. Hence, we estimated the association in specific time windows around a new well spud date, allowing us to map out the estimates through time. For this temporal analysis, we modified eq. S1 (see supplementary materials) by replacing #wellsHUC10 with several time-specific well counts, defined for the following time windows measured in days: [−180, −91], [−90, 0], [1, 90], [91, 180], [181, 360], and >360. The coefficients were estimated relative to measurements collected 180 days or more before a new well spudding (table S8). We found increases in ion concentrations 91 to 180 days after the spud date, consistently for all four ions, in Pennsylvania and all US watersheds. In Fig. 3, we plotted the coefficients, estimated over all watersheds, for each window together with the 95% confidence interval. For the [91, 180] window, the well count coefficients are significant for all four ions (Fig. 3 and table S8, panel B; Br−: 0.01095, P = 0.036; Cl−: 0.00401, P = 0.022; Ba: 0.00347, P = 0.017; Sr: 0.00289, P = 0.015). These ion concentration increases in the [91, 180] window are at least one order of magnitude larger than the long-run estimates in table S4 (shown as a red dot in Fig. 3 for comparison). The coefficients for the [91, 180] window (Fig. 3) correspond to an average (short-run) increase of 178.64 μg/liter for Br, 16,014.30 μg/liter for Cl−, 15.46 μg/liter for Ba, and 71.34 μg/liter for Sr per watershed with HF wells. Water measurement is often sparse and, as shown earlier, does not increase around the well spud dates. Thus, most measurements naturally fall into the benchmark period of <−180 days (for which no coefficient is estimated) or in the period beyond 360 days after spudding, which explains why the #wellsHUC10 [>360] coefficients always have the tightest confidence intervals. These coefficients are, as expected, comparable to the long-run estimates from table S4 (red dots in Fig. 3). For all other coefficients, we have far fewer observations, and hence their confidence intervals are wider.