Integrated longitudinal immunophenotypic, transcriptional and repertoire analyses delineate immune responses in COVID-19 patients
Broad immune remodelling in COVID-19 patients
To assess the dynamics of immune responses elicited by SARS-CoV-2 infection, we collected PBMCs from COVID-19 patients at the time of acute infection (hereafter indicated as “infection”), namely within 21 days from the diagnosis, and weeks after the resolution of the infection (hereupon “post-infection”), demonstrated by negative nasopharyngeal swab, following a previous positivity. We investigated innate and adaptive immune responses in 17 patients, 6 with mild disease (no interstitial pneumonia, no oxygen requirement) and 11 with severe disease (pneumonia with respiratory failure), and compared them to 4 healthy individuals (HD). Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients are shown in Table S1. The median age of patients was 55 years (IQR 39-70), 7/17 (41.2%) patients were females and 11/17 (64.7%) had one or more co-morbidities. In patients with pneumonia requiring oxygen support, the median PaO2:FiO2 ratio at the time of hospital admission was 200 mmHg. Lymphopenia (<1×109/L lymphocytes) was registered at time of blood collection in 6/15 patients (40%; 2/17 n/a). All patients with mild disease were under 50 years of age and 2/6 (33.33%) of them had co-morbidities. 9/11 (81.81%) of patients with severe disease were over 50 years of age (5/11 >65 y) and 9/11 (81.81%) of them had one or more comorbidities, corroborating the knowledge that advanced age and pre-existing medical conditions represent the major risk factors for developing a severe disease.
At the two time points, PBMCs were subjected to multiparametric flow cytometry analyses (Fig. S1A) and mapped by t-SNE plots (Fig. S2A). During the infection, COVID-19 patients, especially those with severe disease, experienced a reduction of T lymphocytes, particularly of CD8+ T cells, and a trend toward increased monocytes proportions, while the frequency of B lymphocytes was quite variable (Fig. 1A, B). On the contrary, natural killer (NK) cells were significantly expanded, especially in subjects with mild disease (Fig. 1A). The proportion of the different PBMC populations tended to normalize post-infection, except for a persistent increased frequency of NK cells.
PBMCs from healthy donors (HD, N=4), patients with mild symptoms during infection and post-infection (N=4), and severe disease during infection (N=7) and post-infection (N=6) phases analyzed by multiparametric flow cytometry. a) Frequency of monocytes, B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, CD3+ CD56+ cells and NK cells is shown as percentage of live total PBMC. b) Frequency of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes is represented as percentage of live total PBMC. c) Relative abundance of CD8+ naïve, central memory (CM), effector memory (EM) and effector memory CD45RA+ (EMRA) cells shown as percentage of live total CD8+ T lymphocytes. d) Frequency of naïve B cells, total memory, non-switched memory, switched memory, memory IgM+, memory IgG+ and plasmablasts shown as percentage of live total B lymphocytes; for memory IgM+ and memory IgG+ from severe patients during infection and post-infection, N=5. e) IgM, IgG and IgA titers to SARS-CoV-2 nucleoprotein (N), receptor-binding domain (RBD), spike subunit 1 (S1) and subunit 2 (S2) measured by ELISA in the plasma of HD (N=5), mild patients during infection (N=4) and post-infection (N=4) and severe patients during infection (N=7) and post-infection (N=6). f) Neutralization of binding of recombinant RBD protein to a HEK293T cell line expressing hACE2 by sera of HD (N=4), mild patients during infection (N=4) and post-infection (N=4) and severe patients during infection (N=7) and post-infection (N=6). Positivity threshold: 50% of binding inhibition. a-f) Data are represented as box and whiskers showing median, min to max, and individual values. Statistical analyses were performed using Mann-Whitney t test to compare ranks. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01. In e) asterisk(s) above individual boxes denote statistical significance compared to HD, while specific comparisons are defined by square brackets colored according to the Ig isotype considered in the comparison.
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PBMCs from healthy donors (HD, N=4), patients with mild symptoms during infection and post-infection (N=4), and severe disease during infection (N=7) and post-infection (N=6) phases analyzed by multiparametric flow cytometry. a) Frequency of monocytes, B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, CD3+ CD56+ cells and NK cells is shown as percentage of live total PBMC. b) Frequency of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes is represented as percentage of live total PBMC. c) Relative abundance of CD8+ naïve, central memory (CM), effector memory (EM) and effector memory CD45RA+ (EMRA) cells shown as percentage of live total CD8+ T lymphocytes. d) Frequency of naïve B cells, total memory, non-switched memory, switched memory, memory IgM+, memory IgG+ and plasmablasts shown as percentage of live total B lymphocytes; for memory IgM+ and memory IgG+ from severe patients during infection and post-infection, N=5. e) IgM, IgG and IgA titers to SARS-CoV-2 nucleoprotein (N), receptor-binding domain (RBD), spike subunit 1 (S1) and subunit 2 (S2) measured by ELISA in the plasma of HD (N=5), mild patients during infection (N=4) and post-infection (N=4) and severe patients during infection (N=7) and post-infection (N=6). f) Neutralization of binding of recombinant RBD protein to a HEK293T cell line expressing hACE2 by sera of HD (N=4), mild patients during infection (N=4) and post-infection (N=4) and severe patients during infection (N=7) and post-infection (N=6). Positivity threshold: 50% of binding inhibition. a-f) Data are represented as box and whiskers showing median, min to max, and individual values. Statistical analyses were performed using Mann-Whitney t test to compare ranks. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01. In e) asterisk(s) above individual boxes denote statistical significance compared to HD, while specific comparisons are defined by square brackets colored according to the Ig isotype considered in the comparison.
COVID-19 immune signatures
To identify specific immunological traits of patients with mild or severe disease, during and after the infection, we performed multiparametric FACS analyses of circulating T and B lymphocytes (Fig. S1B-E) and measured antibodies induced against the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid (N) and spike (S) proteins in patients’ sera.
Among T lymphocytes, CD8+ cells from patients with severe disease showed a reduced frequency of effector memory cells (CD45RO+, CCR7-) and a decreased IFN-γ production capacity, during the infection (Fig. 1C, Fig. S1B, C and Fig. S2B), paralleled by an increased relative abundance of naïve cells. The same alterations were observed for CD4+ T cells, though less pronounced (Fig. S1B, D and Fig. S2B, C). The phenotyping of T helper cells indicated a moderate increase in the frequency of non-conventional TH1 (TH1*) cells in subjects with mild symptoms during the infection, that was reduced in patients with severe disease instead (Fig. S1D and Fig. S2D). After the resolution of the infection, all COVID-19 patients showed a significant impairment of the TH1 subset. In patients with severe disease, the frequency of TREG was moderately reduced during the infection and that of TH17 was increased post-infection, while the same subsets did not show any significant alteration in patients with mild disease (Fig. S1D and Fig. S2D).
Within the B cell population, total memory B cells were more abundant in subjects with mild disease during the infection. This difference was magnified when looking at switched memory B cells and specifically at IgM+ B lymphocytes, while the frequency of IgG+ B cells did not significantly differ between patients. However, the relative abundance of the switched memory B cells, and of the IgG+ ones in particular, was higher in severe patients post-infection. The frequency of plasmablasts was variable, with an increase that tended to be transient in mild patients and smaller but sustained in those with severe disease (Fig. 1D and Fig. S1E).
We measured the anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody plasma levels by ELISA, assessing IgM, IgA and IgG polyclonal binding to the N protein, and to the N-terminal S1, the Receptor-Binding Domain (RBD), and the C-terminal S2 domains of the S protein. N and RBD elicited the highest antibody titers. RBD stimulated a rather homogeneous antibody response in all COVID-19 patients, while S1 and S2 tended to be better recognized by antibodies from subjects with a severe disease (Fig. 1E). Overall, anti-N and anti-RBD IgG were detected during the infection and had the highest and comparable titers in all patients’ groups. IgA were also detected against both proteins, and tended to be higher in severe patients. IgM were more abundant in patients with severe disease, mainly recognizing RBD, whereas anti-N IgM was almost undetectable (Fig. 1E).
To evaluate the presence of potentially protective antibodies, we tested the ability of plasma samples to block the binding of a recombinant RBD protein to a HEK293T cell line stably expressing the hACE2 receptor. Neutralization of binding was higher in severe patients compared to those with mild disease, and increased in both patient groups upon resolution of infection (Fig. 1F). Sera with neutralizing activity had detectable antibodies against S and RBD proteins, but we could not observe a clear correlation between anti-S antibody titers from a specific class and neutralization. Altogether, these data indicate a broad rearrangement of the adaptive immune system over time, involving both T and B lymphocytes, that was more evident in patients with severe disease.
Pervasive, graded and durable transcriptional changes in COVID-19 patients’ PBMC
To get deeper insights into the evolution of the immune response against SARS-CoV-2, we analyzed the transcriptional profile and the TCR and BCR repertoires at the single-cell resolution of PBMC from six COVID-19 patients, three mild and three severe, and two healthy controls. Four of the six COVID-19 patients, two mild and two severe, were profiled both during the infection (Day 1 – Day 16 from diagnosis) and about 3 weeks after the infection resolution (Day 19 – Day 21 from the negative swab, corresponding to Day 50 – Day 51 from diagnosis), enabling us to dissect the development of the anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunity over the course of the disease.
Clustering of total PBMCs scRNA-seq profiles identified five distinct populations corresponding to the main circulating immune cell types: monocytes, NK, T and B lymphocytes, and megakaryocytes (Fig. 2A), defined by the combined expression of selected lineage-specific genes (Fig. S3A). The disease severity deeply influenced the transcriptome of all populations, resulting in a graded segregation of HD from mild and severe COVID-19 patients during the infection (Fig. S3B, left panel). Such a pervasive effect was reduced post-infection, although the distribution of cells derived from patients was still clearly distinguishable from those of HD (Fig. S3B, right panel), indicating that the SARS-CoV-2 infection can affect the immunophenotype of exposed individuals for weeks after its resolution. Consistently with the literature (14–16), we observed a sizeable alteration of immune cells relative abundance in COVID-19 patients compared to HD both during the infection and post-infection (Fig. 2B). During the infection, T lymphocytes showed reduced frequencies in patients, especially in those with severe disease. Conversely, monocytes and megakaryocytes showed a progressive increase from HD to mild and severe COVID-19, while NK cells were especially expanded in patients with mild disease (Fig. 2B left panel). After resolution of the infection, we observed a general trend toward the normalization of immune population abundance in severe patients, except for a residual expansion of NK cells (Fig. 2B right panel). Mild patients retained an altered immune profile, with reduced T cell frequencies and an inflated innate immune compartment (monocytes, NK and megakaryocytes) (Fig. 2B right panel), suggesting a persistent inflammatory status.
Pervasive, graded and durable transcriptional changes in the immune populations in COVID-19 patients. Single-cell RNA-seq of PBMCs from 2 HD, 3 mild and 3 severe patients. a) Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) identified immune cell populations during infection (left) and post-infection (right). b) Barplots show the relative abundance of monocytes, NK cells, megakaryocytes, B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes identified during infection (left) and post-infection (right). Percentages represent the average value of the patient cohorts.
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Pervasive, graded and durable transcriptional changes in the immune populations in COVID-19 patients. Single-cell RNA-seq of PBMCs from 2 HD, 3 mild and 3 severe patients. a) Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) identified immune cell populations during infection (left) and post-infection (right). b) Barplots show the relative abundance of monocytes, NK cells, megakaryocytes, B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes identified during infection (left) and post-infection (right). Percentages represent the average value of the patient cohorts.
Altogether, these transcriptomic data show that SARS-CoV-2 infection resulted in a long-lasting alteration of the circulating immune cell populations composition. This effect was particularly evident during the acute immune response, when immune cells are recruited to the infected tissues, but persisted after the infection resolved.
Elevated type I IFN signaling and reduced HLA-II expression in monocytes from COVID-19 patients
Innate immune cells contribute to the systemic inflammation that characterizes severe COVID-19 (5, 17). The appearance of monocytes with an altered immune profile has been described in COVID-19 patients, sometimes with contrasting features (18–20). Therefore, we investigated the phenotype of circulating monocytes in our patients’ cohort.
Transcriptional analysis identified seven monocytes clusters, one being largely populated by cells from HD (Mo 5) (Fig. 3A, B). During infection, monocytes from mild and severe patients were characterized by the prevalence of two clusters, Mo 1 and Mo 3, respectively (Fig. 3B and Table S2). Differential expression and gene ontology analyses showed that cluster Mo 1 expressed high levels of HLA-II genes, resembling monocytes differentiating into dendritic cells, while cluster Mo 3 was defined by the elevated expression of type I IFN responsive genes (Fig. 3C-E, Fig. S4A, B). Patients with severe disease were also characterized by the lack of non-classical monocytes (Mo 4), that have been associated with inflammation resolution (21), and which appeared after viral clearance (Fig. 3B). The post-infection phase was marked by the appearance of two additional clusters (Mo 6 and Mo 7), with cluster Mo 6 displaying activation (FOS, JUN, CD83) and pro-inflammatory (IL1B, CCL3, CCL4 and TNF) features, more expanded in mild patients (Fig. 3B, C).
Monocytes and NK cells phenotype in COVID-19 patients. a) Monocytes from HD and COVID-19 patients were segregated into 7 transcriptional clusters, visualized by UMAP. b) Barplot illustrates the relative abundance of the 7 subpopulations of monocytes in HD, mild and severe patients during infection and post-infection. Percentages shown are the average of the indicated cohort, and individual values are reported in Table S2. c) Heatmap of the top 10 differentially expressed genes in the 7 monocyte clusters. Violin plots show the expression of d) HLA-II genes and e) type I IFN-responsive genes in the indicated patient cohorts during and after infection. f) NK cells from HD and COVID-19 patients were divided into 3 transcriptional clusters, visualized by UMAP. g) Barplot illustrates the relative abundance of the 3 subpopulations of NK cells in HD and patients with mild and severe disease during infection and post-infection. Percentages shown are the average of the indicated cohort, and individual values are reported in Table S2. h, i) Dotplots showing the expression of the indicated subset-specific genes in HD and patients with mild and severe disease during infection and post-infection.
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Monocytes and NK cells phenotype in COVID-19 patients. a) Monocytes from HD and COVID-19 patients were segregated into 7 transcriptional clusters, visualized by UMAP. b) Barplot illustrates the relative abundance of the 7 subpopulations of monocytes in HD, mild and severe patients during infection and post-infection. Percentages shown are the average of the indicated cohort, and individual values are reported in Table S2. c) Heatmap of the top 10 differentially expressed genes in the 7 monocyte clusters. Violin plots show the expression of d) HLA-II genes and e) type I IFN-responsive genes in the indicated patient cohorts during and after infection. f) NK cells from HD and COVID-19 patients were divided into 3 transcriptional clusters, visualized by UMAP. g) Barplot illustrates the relative abundance of the 3 subpopulations of NK cells in HD and patients with mild and severe disease during infection and post-infection. Percentages shown are the average of the indicated cohort, and individual values are reported in Table S2. h, i) Dotplots showing the expression of the indicated subset-specific genes in HD and patients with mild and severe disease during infection and post-infection.
These data indicate that monocytes from severe COVID-19 patients showed an up-regulated type I IFN response signature compared to patients with mild disease, and a considerable reduction of HLA-II genes expression (Fig. 3D, E), a proposed surrogate marker of immunoparalysis in sepsis (22). The impaired HLA-II genes signature may result from the decreased IFN-γ production in severe patients (Fig. S2B). Moreover, the appearance of a sub-population expressing pro-inflammatory genes post-infection may underlie the persistence of an inflammatory status.