Mumbai: Deepika Padukone, who embraced motherhood in 2024, shared an emotional and empowering post dedicated to all the mothers who welcomed their little ones last year. The Singham Again actress, who became a mom to daughter Dua Padukone Singh on September 8, 2024, with husband Ranveer Singh by her side, took a moment to celebrate the incredible journey of motherhood.
In her heartfelt Instagram story, Deepika wrote, “Mums who gave birth in 2024… Remember this… When you see everyone’s highlight reel at the end of the year, remember your body grew and birthed a whole human this year! Nothing tops that.”
She paired the moving note with a serene video of a sunset, symbolising the peace and joy she has found in this new chapter of her life.
The post resonated deeply with her followers and fellow moms, who lauded Deepika for using her platform to share an uplifting message. Fans praised the actress for highlighting the strength and resilience of mothers during a time when social media often pressures women to achieve unrealistic postpartum milestones.
A few weeks ago, Deepika and Ranveer introduced their baby girl Dua to the paparazzi, leaving fans overjoyed. According to an exclusive statement by a paparazzo to Zee News English, “The little one is a carbon copy of her beautiful mom.”
Since Dua’s arrival, Deepika has been prioritising her role as a mother, making fewer public appearances and dedicating her time to her family. While Ranveer Singh continues to balance daddy duties with his professional commitments, Deepika has chosen to focus on cherishing these early moments with her daughter.
Deepika, last seen in Singham Again, is yet to announce her next project. However, her fans are thrilled to see her taking on this new role with as much grace and poise as she brings to her career.